Jimmy Kimmel’s Adorable Son Billy Gets Impatient While Playing Game Show With His Sister
Apr 09, 2020 by apost team
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire returned on Wednesday with a special run of episodes featuring Jimmy Kimmel as host with celebrities taking the hot seat as contestants playing for charity.
Kimmel played a mini-version of the game on Monday with his daughter and son, 5-year-old Jane and 2-year-old Billy.

More than 20 years after the prime-time game show took the country by storm with Regis Philbin as host, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire returned to ABC with a special run of episodes featuring Jimmy Kimmel as host with celebrities taking the hot seat as contestants playing for charity. The first episode aired on April 8, Wednesday.
For the Monday edition of Jimmy Kimmel Live, Jimmy played a mini-version of the game with his daughter and son, 5-year-old Jane and 2-year-old Billy.


Jimmy kicked off the game by introducing the contestants and their hobbies: "Jane Kimmel who loves to draw and who loves to watch Frozen 2," and for his toddler, he said, "He loves Spider-Man and t-rexes, Billy Kimmel, everyone!"
"It's fun for the whole family, including my family, specifically my daughter, Jane, and my son, Billy," Jimmy insisted.

The children guessed the right answer to every question that they were posed. You could even see on Billy's face that he knew the correct answer to a question because he gives a cute little smile when he hears the right option mentioned by his father.
His father and sister, who are very supportive, claps when Billy gets the questions right.

But as the game dragged on, Billy started to get impatient and restless. He starts sulking (in the most adorable way, of course) and starts rubbing his face. He even demands a Spider-Man question.
Finally when it came time for the "million penny question", Billy exclaimed while pouting: "I don't want to!" Jane, however, stayed in good spirits, finishing out the game, and the talk show host dad joked, "I'd like to thank my contestants, Billy Kimmel, Jane, one was a lot more willing to play than the other."
We highly recommend Jimmy Kimmel Live's home edition to pass the time during the quarantine. His five-year-old daughter designed and even voiced the intro for the videos. Pass this cute story to your friends and family to share ideas on how to keep themselves entertained at this time.