Jerry Lee Lewis Shocks Fans With Unexpected 'Old Rugged Cross' Performance
Apr 04, 2019 by apost team
Jerry Lee Lewis is an iconic singer and songwriter who has been popular since the height of his career in the 50s. Despite being in his eighties, Jerry is still known as one of the most popular rockstars in the world. He is sometimes called by his moniker, The Killer. He is often referred to as the first wild man in rock and roll history.
Although many wild acts and unique stage antics have followed, Jerry Lee Lewis will always be remembered as a pioneer in the rockabilly and rock and roll genres. He recorded his first album at the famous recording studio Sun Records in 1956.

His career has spanned several decades and has generated a loyal fanbase that is spread out across many different generations. Jerry has a long list of hit songs and rock classics. He has become a household name that is bound to remain relevant for generations to come.
Although Jerry is eighty-years-old, he still frequents the spotlight from time to time. He was once a guest on The Monday Night Concerts show in 1997. The show was hosted by the famous Ricky Skaggs. During the interview, Ricky asked Lewis about the first song that he had ever learned on piano.

Jerry had to take a few moments to consider the question. After all, he had learned piano from a very early age. After several seconds of careful deliberation, Jerry revealed the "Old Rugged Cross" was the first song that he had learned on piano.
The audience applauded at the iconic song choice. "Old Rugged Cross" is a popular hymn that was written by evangelist George Bennard in 1912. Many people find the song inspirational. Jerry Lee Lewis is clearly one of those people who draw spiritual meaning from the song.

After hearing the audience applaud with excitement, it was clear that Jerry felt the urge to perform the song. Skaggs was excited about the impromptu performance. He gave Jerry the stage and let the rock and roll icon handle the rest.
Without hesitation, Jerry proceeded to give a chilling rendition of the classic hymn. There wasn't a dry eye in the entire studio during that moving performance.
The crowd was completely silent until Jerry finished the song. Skaggs and the entire audience was blown away by the amazing performance. Without any preparation or rehearsal, Jerry Lee Lewis was able to give an iconic performance that still gets talked about today.
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