Janitor Who Is 77-Years-Old Kept Secret For Years Until Faculty Finds Out And Confronts Her
Feb 23, 2019 by apost team
Frances Buzzard, the 77-year-old custodian for Belle Elementary School in West Virginia, isn’t just your average janitor. Francis goes out of her way to perform her duties, such as polishing the furniture to a shine and displaying a work ethic that goes above and beyond her normal duties.

However, Frances was dealing with a secret past for years. The principal of the school dug deep to find out what had happened, and when she did, she knew that she had to confront the elderly woman about it.
One day, “Miss Frances” heard her name called over the school’s loudspeakers instructing her to go to the cafeteria.
Since there was an assembly going on at the time, she figured they needed her to clean something up.


However, as she walked through the doors to the room, more than 200 students yelled “surprise!” Frances had turned 77 that day, which is a big deal to begin with. But, this was a very special occasion, as she had never before had a birthday party!
The school principal came over and draped Frances with a birthday sash and a pink tiara. The kitchen crew brought out a cart filled with cookies and cupcakes. Every eye in the room was on her: it was her time to take the spotlight!
Right then, the curtains to the stage pulled back to reveal a slideshow of her life. Photo after photo scrolled by, with pictures of Frances and scenes of different historical events she had been alive for. The cheeky pictures showed Frances rocking out at Woodstock, raising the flag at Iwo Jima, and even hanging out with Neil Armstrong when he stepped onto the moon for the first time!

Frances told the Charleston Gazette-Mail that she grew up poor. She never had an actual birthday party, nor did her family celebrate Christmas. She said that when they could afford it, they would give the kids nuts and fruit, but that was it.
The look on the elderly lady’s face was absolutely priceless when she realized that the party was just for her. This is a party that she will not forget in the near future.
Watch the video and see for yourself the sweet surprise students and faculty set up!
What did you think of this incredible act of kindness? Pass this wonderful moment on to your friends and loved ones to brighten their day!