Intuitive Reading Test: Choose A Symbol To Uncover Your Spirit Message

May 24, 2018 by apost team

Below are nine symbols. Set your intention within, then choose one symbol from the nine, always selecting the first one that inspires you.

Symbol 1 

If you picked the first symbol, it's time to give in to the universe. Don't try to swim against the current. Go with the natural flow of life, wherever it takes you. Be in the present moment and accept it completely. Once you are a steady and focused on your honest intentions, the next step in your spiritual path will be revealed. Now is not the time to make quick decisions. Seek stillness and let it be your guide. 

Symbol 2 

If you picked the second symbol, it is time for you to start thinking about the boundaries you need in your life. You have a lot going on and it's time for you to structure your life so you can focus. Stop giving your time and energy to anything or anyone that isn't helping you serve your higher purpose. Take stock of what is happening in your life, and build boundaries against that which is unhelpful. Start by tidying your home, de-cluttering everything. 

Symbol 3 

If you picked the third symbol, celebrate! Your spiritual path might not be clear to you, but you're on it. The Universe guides you and takes care of you here on your highest path. In time, everything will work out perfectly to your purpose. Don't stress yourself about the past or what's coming up around the bend. Give in to trust in every moment. When it comes to big decisions, feel confident knowing that the right choice will appear to you today. 

Symbol 4 

You need to be free of the past, if you picked symbol four. You are stuck in situations that are gone instead of living in the now. Grief and healing are part of the process, but you can't dwell on the same narrative over and over. It is time to abandon the past and look ahead. You are called to embrace the present moment and make the most of it. You can take control of your future by being aware of the now. Release your past by writing down what is chaining you and throwing it away. 

Symbol 5 

If symbol five spoke to you, your life has moved ahead by leaps and bounds. It's time for you to set new intentions. What is it you really want? Write it down. Set your intention and take charge. It may take time for your intentions to become reality, but your thoughts are messages to the Universe. They will come back to you. Do it now, and you will be rewarded. 

Symbol 6 

Those who chose symbol 6 are too extroverted at the moment. You can benefit from some introversion. Look within yourself to find answers to your questions and peace of mind. Right now, your head is cluttered. Take some time to clear your thoughts by taking a walk, meditating and reconnecting with your spirit. It's time to become one with the Universe and reflect on what's inside of you. Take some time today to pay attention to your thoughts without judgment. 

Symbol 7 

If you chose symbol seven, you can take a break. You have been working really hard, which means you are now allowed to play. Step out in the sunshine. Go play with your inner child. Go on a spur-of-the-moment adventure. Enjoy the people you love. Have a ton of laughs. All you have to do to be right with the Universe right now is enjoy yourself. 

Symbol 8 

The eighth symbol is all about reconnecting. Take this time to remind yourself that no one is alone. Ground yourself in nature. Spend time with family and friends. Take note of how everyone and everything is connected. Right now is a great time to work on relationships at home and at work. Put your ego aside and connect with people you're having trouble with. 

Symbol 9 

If symbol nine was right for you, you have done all that needs doing. Right now, the benefits of your work are in motion. The Universe is prepared to give you thanks for your consciousness and awareness. You are a guide to others on their spiritual paths. You are a gift to the Universe. You know the beauties of life, now pass them on to others. 

Let us know how your symbol has manifested in the comments section.