Incredible Dance Duo Astonishes Judges With Exciting Argentine Tango Performance
Oct 29, 2020 by apost team
So many messages can be conveyed through dance and, as people, we love to watch others who have perfected this art and demonstrate their ability to tell a story with their bodies. Professional dancers seem to have an innate gift to elicit emotion from us with their mastery of choreographed movement.
In a video from the Kremlin Cup in 2015, a Russian dance duo was able to impress viewers and judges with their spellbinding Argentine Tango number. This video has gone viral because of the beauty and skill in this routine.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

Argentine Tango is a sensual form of dancing that involves two partners. The intent of the dance is to captivate and express feelings of emotions and sensuality. The partners often communicate with each other, and with the audience, a romantic story through movement. This dance style is thought to have been founded in working-class neighborhoods in Argentina and Uruguay. Many different dancers and choreographers have put their own stamp on this dance style.
Meet Dmitry Vasin and Esmer Omerova

Dmitry Vasin and Esmer Omerova are a Russian dancing duo. They were scheduled to perform an Argentine Tango for the 2015 Kremlin Cup. The young dancers were obviously there to impress, but many people were not expecting to see the precision and dynamic movement they were about to unleash upon the audience.
Their dance began slowly. Omerova glided around her strong partner, as he made sudden, strong movements. His strength and her slow, fluid movement created a strong, sensual aura as the dance truly started to get going. Abruptly, the female dancer kicked her leg out into the air, and she started to spin. The energy of the dance was about to shift.
The Dance Intensifies...

In the video, you can see that while the duo stays fluid with their motions, there is a frenetic pace to their movement. It is sensual and evokes a feeling of passion that can't be quite quenched between the two dancers. Each dancer releases sharp kicks in this tight choreographed routine, never once missing the beat. At one point, Vasin picks up his partner with his brute strength. She then glides down his body and the dance resumes.
As Omerova continues the dance, her spins get longer and more fast-paced. At one point, she spins five times in a row while leaning her head back. It is a testament to her discipline, work ethic, and balance that she can make such a move a success.

The frenzy of the tango reaches a heightened state and the duo speed up once again. This time their tightly choreographed movements go faster, and the two dancers appear to be in a frenzied state. The kicks, lifts, and spins seem quicker and more intense.
At one point, Vasin picks up Omerova and spins her onto her back. He catches her and holds her for a while before gently putting her back on the dance floor. They end the routine with a flurry of spins, kicks, and other tango moves that are mind-boggling. The footwork and body control are out of this world. Finally, the duo ends with an impressive pose.
Did you feel your jaw drop when you saw this stunning dance routine? If you have some thoughts on this dance duo and their routine, be sure to leave them in the comments. Don't forget to show this video to all those who can appreciate great movement!