In The Future, You Might Not Be Buried Or Cremated After You Die
Apr 10, 2018 by apost team
It's terrifying and uncomfortable, but we all have to confront death eventually. Thinking about it while you're alive and well may make your passing more peaceful. You can instruct loved ones on how to handle your body after you pass, or they can make the decision for you. However, a new movement may change how we handle bodies, and some people may hate it.
People haven't been buried or cremated throughout our history. Ancient Egyptians believed in preserving the entire body through a mummification process. Each ancient society handled their dead in unique ways. In more modern times, burying or cremating the dead have been the most popular options.
Yet there are plenty of other ways to care for the dead. You could have your body cryogenically frozen if you hope to be resurrected someday or even turn your ashes into a diamond.
One other option that has been gaining popularity isn't even legal everywhere. People who do this believe they are honoring their dead in the best possible way.
There are many issues arising from our modern methods. The world simply isn't big enough to accommodate the dead, and cremation creates a lot of unneeded pollutants and carbon dioxide in our worsening air.
Many people believe that this machine is the way of the future:
This is called the Resomator and it dissolves bodies in a clean manner. It's actually quite similar to cremation, but, instead of burning, the body is broken down through alkaline hydrosis.
The process involves placing the body in an alkaline solution that is heated and pressurized to compact the body into white ash. The whole process is clean and only costs $45. Traditional funerals can set someone back thousands of dollars and it's terrible for the earth. Although this method is only legal in Canada, the UK, and some US states, maybe we should think about adopting this method worldwide.
Here is a video showing the machine and explaining the process in more detail:
What do you think? Do you know how you'd like to be handled after death? Pass this info on to your friends and family to see what they think about this new machine!