In The End, You're Going To Regret Losing The Woman Who Waited For You To Pull It Together
Oct 22, 2018 by apost team
If you've let a woman go who has spent her time and energy waiting on you, then chances are that you need to get your act together before you lose another woman in your life. She's the kind of girl who would drop everything and answer her phone and always be there no matter what, but you let her slip through your fingers in moments.
The woman you let slip away won't be in your bed in the mornings. She will be in someone else's bed, making that person happy instead of you. This woman will make the decision to be with a person who wants to be with her each day. She will be with someone who loves her just as much as she loves him, which is something that you didn't do for her. It's something that you took for granted while you were together.
There are times when you might see each other on the street, and she will probably have a big smile on her face because she's with someone who makes her feel like a woman. There's a possibility that she won't even recognize you on the street when you see her. This woman will appear like the same woman you were with, but there will be a glow to her face because she's happy.
She won't have an interest in looking into your eyes and making contact because those eyes will be focused on someone else. The heart won't skip a beat, and there won't be butterflies in her stomach like there were before. When she realized that you weren't going to be the man she needed, she made the decision to leave. It took time and heartbreak, but she managed to move forward. Now, she's happy because she has someone who treats her the way that she deserves to be treated instead of waiting for you. This is where you went wrong because you wouldn't get it together to give her the life she deserved.
The woman you let go will now be confident in herself. This is the confidence that you took away from her for a short time, and it's a confidence that you downplayed and threatened. When you see that she's happy, you'll regret what you did. You're going to want to love her in a way that you never did, feelings of jealousy taking over. The only thing that she wanted to do was love you, and you couldn't accept that. Instead, you let her go when she was trying and waiting.
There won't be a chance to win her back even though you miss her like crazy. This was a girl who talked about you to her friends and who was smiling when she talked about you. She wanted you to be at the center of her world and tried to do everything possible to do that so that you were in the spotlight. The only thing she wanted in return was to be loved. Her phone calls were rarely returned because you didn't think that she was worth the time to talk on the phone, but she was ready to answer your calls at any time of the day or night.
You're going to look at old pictures and think about her. You're going to think about the good times that you had and want them back. These are the times that you now appreciate, but it's too late to do anything about your actions.
Read about a few of the things that you're going to miss about the woman who loved you for the person you are while you were too busy caring about yourself.