If Your Partner Doesn't Have At Least One Of These 8 Qualities, He Might Not Be Dad Material After All
May 29, 2018 by apost team
If you are hoping to have children one day, you probably consider each romantic partner for their parenting potential. Being a good partner isn't the same thing as being a good father, but you can definitely make some important assumptions. This list will help you realize if someone will make a great father.
1. He Pays Attention To You
Any good father needs to be attentive. When with someone, think about how much attention they give you. Are they listening to everything that you say, or are they just being absent-minded, with words going in one ear and out the other? If they're to be a decent father, they need to be focused on others.
2. He Always Keeps His Promises
A good father is someone who is honorable. They will not make empty promises. Instead, they will consider their promises before they make them and stick to them. Ask yourself if your partner follows these requirements.
3. He's Patient
Being a parent can be frustrating, as children don't know how to properly express their emotions. A great father is one who is willing to work through these difficult moments with relative ease and the faith that things will get better through consistent practice and patience.
4. He Has An Open Mind
As a father, one should not have any exact requirements of how their child should be. Instead, they should be understanding and encouraging for whatever path their child chooses to follow. If they have concerns, they should be engaging in honest dialogue with their child.
5. He's A Kid At Heart
A father needs to be responsible, but they also need to know how to have fun. They should be someone who can make their kids giggle with ease and feel better at a moment's notice.
6. He Can Handle Dirty Work
Being a dad can get messy, literally. Anyone up for the task must be able to handle diaper changes and vomit with as much ease as possible.
7. He's Able To Juggle Work And Home
If a man is a working father, he needs to provide for his family financially and emotionally. There will be days when it will be all but impossible to get away from work. However, they should be able to find at least a few minutes to give their kids attention. It can really mean a lot in the long run.
8. He's Calm, Even In Tense Situations
No father can be expected to defuse tantrums and fights before they happen. However, they can certainly use patience and talking to help these situations become better. Think about how your partner handles tense situations.
Being a great father isn't about any magic trick. It's all about being patient and understanding. Most importantly, it involves being forgiving of one's self. Show these tips to the soon-to-be fathers and their partners in your life to see if they check all the boxes!