If You Were An October Baby, You Probably Have These 9 Characteristics
Oct 05, 2018 by apost team
Were you or someone you know born in the month of October? Well, lucky for you we've compiled a list of personality traits that October born people are well-known for having. Now, let's take a look at the most common traits.
1. You Can Charm The Skin Off A Snake
An October born person can be quite charming and charismatic. You may absolutely have zero trouble finding new friends or winning the hearts of others. October people are natural-born romantics and can easily spread their love and affection to anyone who deserves it.

2. You're Brutally Honest
In certain situations, you've probably found yourself prying until you got to the bottom of the truth. You practically demand honesty and would feel extremely disheartened if someone close to you wasn't being very truthful. October people are quick to call out anyone being fake and will probably cut them out of their lives for good. They'll also scoff at thought of telling a little white lie.
3. You Love Tranquil Environments
We know you like to socialize, party and make friends; but, we also know as soon as you come home to a quiet place you drown in feelings of euphoria. Your preference for peace and calm goes hand in hand with your peacemaker attitude. You might also like to take care of other people as well as animals.
4. You Almost Never 'See Red'
Those born in October are more cool, calm and collected than people born in other months. Anger, rage and stress are three nasty things that you try to avoid. Because of this, you rarely lose your cool and may have even found yourself calming others down in time of distress.
5. People Are Captivated By Your Creativity
Do you play an instrument, paint, dance or sing? Then, you've probably had plenty of compliments by now. People born in October are very creative and know how to churn out a wonderful masterpiece. They are most likely to have a creative job.
6. You're A Habitual Daydreamer
People born in October are said to be avid daydreamers. You might frequently be deep in thought or just like to escape reality from time to time.
7. You're A Skillful Problem Solver
You were probably born in October if you are business-oriented and love solving problems. October born people are optimistic, positive thinkers that like to excel in the workplace.
8. You Burn Through Money
Saving money is very hard for an October born person. This is because you are very generous and like to buy gifts for others, more so than for any selfish reasons. So, can you buy us all a drink?
9. Family Comes First
If you were born in October, you might passionately put your family above everyone else. It's not so much a bad habit and is actually quite charming. You love family gatherings, especially during the holidays when you can finally meet your long-distance relatives again.
Do you know an October baby who has these traits, or do you have any of them yourself? Let us know in the comments! Show this article to your October-born friends and family to see if it fits them!