If You've Been Ghosted Then This One Is For You

Oct 10, 2018 by apost team

You are probably wondering why they ghosted you. It is because you don’t mean anything to them. That’s harsh, but it is the truth.

A person who has strong feelings for another person will never let them go without talking to them.

They will struggle to spend as much time as possible with you.


We know you are so very tempted to send one more text to try and get the closure you are seeking, but please don’t. It’s not helpful. You don’t need to ask them to explain what happened.

Don’t demand answers or act like nothing has happened at all. You don’t need to resurrect a friendship or romance that you had with them when it is obviously not what they want.

You have to let them go.

Don’t hold onto those text messages and direct messages that they sent. Erase their contact information and focus on erasing them from your memory.




You shouldn’t have to stoop to begging for their attention. You are better than that.

You do not need to be with a person who doesn’t need you. When they ghosted you that should have told you all that you needed to know about them. They do not value you in the way that you should be valued.

They also don’t have respect for your time, either. They don’t care about how you are feeling.

It’s easy to be devastated by this. However, take it as an opportunity to move on with your life. Don’t ever be embarrassed that you wasted time on them. Just be happy you won’t be wasting any more.


They may even reappear in your messages one day. You may miss a phone call and end up listening to a voicemail about how much they miss you.

Don’t let them get to you. They don’t deserve a second chance, especially after you took the time to get over them.

When you reply back you run the risk of falling into their clutches again.

You may think that you are over them, but when they talk to you the feelings often come back. You’ll be reminded of why you liked them to begin with. Maybe they were sweet and loving and charming.

They may use these virtues to convince you to try again. But people usually do not change at all.


Don’t allow yourself to be put in that same position. You have come this far and deserve to be happy. Don’t feel guilty when you ignore them.

If someone ghosts you, never make excuses for their behavior.

Be honest with yourself-ghosting means they are not interested in you.

That’s okay, there will be plenty of others who will be worthy of your love. Keep the “ghosters” in the past.

Have you ever been ghosted by someone you liked? Do you have any more advice? Let us know in the comment section and pass this on!