If You're Left-Handed, You Probably Have These Strange Personality Traits
May 22, 2018 by apost team
Only about one out of every 10 people is left-handed, making left-handedness a fairly rare trait. And lefties have more in common than just their dominant side.
Here are 11 quirks that most left-handed people share.
1. They're more creative
There's a common stereotype that left-handed people tend to be creatively gifted, and it's true. Lefties tend to be better at coming up with brand-new solutions to problems, and they're more likely to pursue creative careers.
2. They're better at sports
Most right-handed athletes are stronger on their right side than their left. Left-handed athletes, on the other hand, tend to be strong on both sides. They're forced to develop their naturally weaker right side when they compete with right-handed athletes.
3. They're fearful
Left-handed people tend to be more sensitive to fear than right-handed people. They're more likely to suffer from anxiety or PTSD as well.
4. They're more vulnerable to mental health problems
Mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, are more common in left-handed people than in right-handed people.
5. They have an advantage in a fight
Don't get into a fight with a left-handed person, or their left hook might catch you off guard!
6. They don't suffer from weak immune systems
Left-handed people don't actually have weaker immune systems than right-handed people - that's an old myth. Strangely, though, left-handed people are more likely to suffer from digestive disorders.
7. In sets of twins, one is likely to be a lefty
No one knows why, but in many sets of twins, one is born right-handed and the other is born left-handed.
8. They don't necessarily favor their right brain
It's a common myth that left-handed people use their right brain more than their left brain. This isn't actually true. Both lefties and righties use the same areas of their brain to carry out tasks like language processing and logical thought.
9. They tend to be shy
Left-handed people are likely to be introverts. Many of them have a thoughtful, self-critical nature. They're often shy around new people.
10. They may be more likely to drink
It used to be a pervasive myth that left-handed people were more likely to become alcoholics than right-handed people. This myth is no longer commonly believed, but lefties may be more likely to enjoy drinking, and they also might get drunk faster than right-handed people.
11. There's a day to celebrate them
International Left-Handers Day is on August 13. Use this day as an opportunity to tell the lefties in your life how much they mean to you.
Are you left-handed? If so, do you have any of the traits listed in this article? We'd love to hear from you and make sure make sure everyone you know sees this!