If You Love Someone, You Have To Accept Their Flaws
Sep 18, 2018 by apost team
When you care about someone, you accept who they are. Everyone has flaws, but you love their flaws because they are a part of the person's personality. You never complain about how the relationship would be better if they changed or became someone else. You know that they are messy and imperfect, but you do not care. You would never ask them to change because it would be unfair.
Love Is About Acceptance
True love is all about accepting someone. Everyone has a past and baggage that they carry with them. These past experiences make them who they are in the present. You love them no matter what.
This does not mean that you allow someone to treat you terribly. It does not mean that you make excuses when they make mistakes or hurt you. When you love someone, you do not stay quite when they treat you badly.
Sometimes, you have to leave someone you love. If they are acting disrespectfully or hurtfully, the only option is to leave. In some cases, you just have to accept that the relationship is broken and move on.
When you are in a healthy relationship, the rules are different. You respect each other, so you understand that a sharp comment was just because of stress. Their words might hurt, but you understand where they are coming from and what they mean.
You love them, so you accept their apologies. For the relationship to continue, you have to be able to forgive and move on. Sometimes, someone will make mistakes because they are mad at something else in their life or about their past. They hurt you only because they have not figured out what they want or received closure.
If you love someone, you give them a second chance. When they genuinely apologize and promise to improve, you accept it. You know that they want to be better, so you give them an opportunity to make things right again. Instead of holding the mistake over them forever, you move on.
You Accept Their Flaws and Understand
When you love someone, you have to accept that they will never be perfect. They might have abandonment issues and problems from their past. Instead of confronting them, you understand that pain lingers around for years after a trauma. You give them support and encouragement. No matter what, you stay by their side and help them out.
You never throw their mistakes, flaws and trauma in their face. When your lover feels bad, you do not try to make them feel worse. Instead, you do everything possible to make them feel better.
Even though you did not experience the same things, you try to understand. You ask them to talk and listen to their stories. When you feel confused, you ask them to explain again.
When you love someone, you are united against the world. You are a team that works together to make a better future. You realize that the past is gone, but you have a chance to keep history from repeating itself. Because you love them, you want to make sure that they are never hurt again.
If you truly love someone, you never expect them to be perfect. You already know that it is their imperfections that make them so perfect for you.
If you love someone and accept them completely, make sure your friends know about. True love is an amazing experience that deserves some attention!