If You Experienced Emotional Abuse As A Child, You Probably Do These Things As An Adult

Oct 01, 2018 by apost team

Your childhood will always be a part of your past. If you suffered emotional abuse as a child, this fact can be terrifying.

Emotional abuse leaves scars that you may never fully recover from. Your emotionally abusive childhood can lead to relationship issues and mental illness.

If you suffered emotional abuse as a child, don't be scared to let others know how you feel and ask for the assistance you need.

Emotional abuse is a tough burden to cope with, and you may not realize how much the past abuse affects every aspect of your life in the present.

Though your past abuse is difficult to deal with, it's essential that you don't give up.

Survivors of childhood emotional abuse report that they do these 25 things as adults:

1. Your flight-or-fight response is triggered by sudden, loud noises. You dislike conflict.



2. You have difficulty accepting praise and compliments because, as a child, other people only focused on your flaws and mistakes.

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3. You are an overachiever because you want to prove yourself.


4. No matter what other people say, you think everything you do is wrong.



5. You feel you are always at fault for something, so you apologize frequently.



6. You see your home as a safe place, and you isolate yourself from others.



7. It's rare that you let other people in because it's difficult for you to trust them.


8. You fear that whatever you choose will be wrong, so you are indecisive. This fear also makes you scared to become a parent.


9. You're afraid to say anything that someone else might disagree with, so you always remain neutral. You feel like you can never truly be yourself.


10. You put walls up. You can come off as cynical or cold because you are so defensive.



11. It's difficult for you to accept love because you believe it's never unconditional.



12. You always try very hard to please authority figures.

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13. You can't say no to other people, and you feel as if you need to explain everything you do in detail.


14. You find it difficult o ask for help because you're afraid that the other person will want something in return. It's hard for you to find a best friend.


15. You have relationship problems because you are insecure and have abandonment and trust issues.



16. You are incredibly shy and do not express yourself.


17. You never show people the “bad” side of yourself.

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18. You always think you are not good enough or smart enough. Your accomplishments, no matter how great, never block out the negative voice in your head.


19. You have a hard time believing that there are actually people in your life who love and care about you.


20. Making eye contact scares you, so you avoid doing it.



21. It's difficult for you to express your feelings. This can result in anxiety and depression.



22. The only way you can get people out of your life is by getting assistance because you never stand up for yourself.


23. You believe that everything that happens is your fault.



24. It's challenging for you to discover who you are and what your beliefs are.



25. You have a lot of anger. You express your anger through social media because it allows you to hide behind a screen.


Do you find these statements to be true? Let us know in the comments below.