If A Man Is Loyal And Truly Loves You, He Would Never Dream Of Hurting You
Oct 29, 2018 by apost team
Words of loyalty easily come from our mouths, but true pledges of loyalty come from the heart and are reflected in action, not mere words. How many times has someone said they love you but turned around only to hurt you by taking you for granted, devaluing you, lying to you, letting you down, and breaking you?
A faithful and loyal partner never places you in such jeopardy and does everything possible to protect you. How? Let’s explore.
Eight Simple Ways To Tell If Your Partner Is Loyal
1. You Will Always Come First
You won’t just be told you’re at the top of your partner’s list. He will do everything possible to ensure that you know you’re the most valuable person in his life through. He will be there when it counts. If it’s a choice between you and anything/anyone else, they’ll be no hesitation in which comes first. That’s not to say that he won’t have other relationships, but they’ll never be more important than his relationship with you. Your happiness, well-being, and relationship will always be the priority.
2. You’ll Always Have Help
Whether you’re overwhelmed now or have been hurt and mistreated in the past, your partner will want to fix it for you. He can’t. Only you can fix your hurt and mistrust, but his desire to fix it will mean that you’ll have a helping hand along the journey to your highest self. His actions will prove he wants to be your friend, partner, confidant, safe place, and warrior. He won’t use your past as a manipulation tool. Instead, he will embrace all facets of you and provide unconditional love and support.
3. Sex Won’t Be The Relationship’s Priority
You’re more than just a warm, attractive body. While physical intimacy will be an element in any healthy relationship, it will not take precedence over your emotional and mental intimacy. Your partner will have a deeper soul-to-soul connection and value for you than just what your body offers him.
He will care deeply about your mind, spirituality, health, and all other facets that make you who you are as a person. Instead of a focus on how you look on the outside, your partner will be most concerned with how you feel on the inside.
4. He Will Show You His Vulnerabilities
Even the toughest of tough have vulnerabilities. No matter how ugly, sad, or weak it may make him seem, he will expose his weaknesses and imperfections to you because he trusts that you share his unconditional love and support. Trust doesn’t come wrapped in a facade. You’ll see the dark and light sides of the real him.
5. There’s No Lying
Loyal people don’t feel the need to deceive. All the cards get put on the table and stay there. No secrets. No lies. No misdirection. You’ll know about his work life, family life, friendships, and enemies alike, and, perhaps most importantly, you’ll know about him. There’s no guessing where he’s at, who he’s with, and what he’s doing. He’s an open book for you to read at will, and it’s that openness that’s the crux of loyalty.
6. He Doesn’t Run Away
As every couple does, you’ll have disagreements and arguments. Sometimes, people need space to sort out their own thoughts, perspectives, and emotions for themselves before they can share them with you. The important part of loyalty when it comes to arguments is in not letting any temporary space needed to create permanent walls and the option for escape plans.
A loyal man never loses sight of his love; he comes back with an open heart and mind to settle things and move forward without relationship abort and escape ever being a consideration.
7. Nothing Will Cause Him To Disrespect You
Whether it’s emotional, physical, or mental, a loyal partner will never disrespect you. Any anger, frustration, and disappointment he feels will never be directed at you or manifested in an abusive way. Your opinions and thoughts will always be valued and considered. He won’t tolerate anyone else disrespecting you, either. He will consider himself guard of your well-being at all times, in all things, and in all places.
8. He Will Make It Impossible To See Life Without Him
As your friend, lover, protector, alliance, and soulmate, it will be impossible to see your life without him in it. He will leave no question or doubt that he’s it for you. You’ll feel and act on the same fierce, unwavering loyalty towards him that he’s proven to you. Remember, loyalty is a two-way street.
How loyal is your partner? Did this article help you see for certain that your partner is a keeper? If you know someone with a partner like this or completely opposite of this, feel free to pass this read along and let us know what you think in the comments.