I Don't Want To Be Your Entire World, I Just Want To Be A Part Of It
Oct 29, 2018 by apost team
You should know all of this already, but this is the promise I'm going to make you. As long as you are with me, your life will belong to you and only you.
True love has never seemed like someone hovering over you at every second of every day. Instead, true love is about being encouraged and free to pursue passions and enjoy triumphs together. If you need some time away, you can pack up and leave.
Write me or just take the time to yourself, it doesn't matter. If you have to make relationship sacrifices to get your perfect job, I love you and good luck. We can work around that. You'll always have my full support and understanding.
I don't need to impose limits on you to feel more in control or secure. And I'll never perceive your success as a threat to our bond or commitment. Instead, success will be a manifestation of how powerful our love and support is.
I don't want compromise. I want us both to get what we want and be gloriously happy doing so. If you ever need to leave me, I won't hold you down.
istockphotos.com/TommLMy only priority is that both of us be happy. That each of us have an individually fulfilling life that's vibrant and wonderful. That we experience and achieve everything we set out to do. There's no point to petty possessiveness, and I'm not going to let it take away from the incredible joys ahead of us.
I promise I'll always respect your autonomy and strength. I'll let you fight your own battles unless you ask for help.
You'll never have to make plans in advance or bargains when you want to spend time with your friends. Friendships are such an important part of mental and spiritual health. They should never come second to our relationship, and they shouldn't feel like a competition.
Everyone around you is privileged to be in your company. None of us should ever forget it.
istockphotos.com/franckreporterLet's work together to be independent. Let's lead the lives we would if we were single, but have our best friend to come home to at the end of the day. Let's look at what we can put into the relationship instead of focusing on what we're going to take.
Let's be close because we want to be, not because we feel obligated. Let's make our choice to stay together fresh each and every day.
Us being together doesn't end either of our stories. It just begins an incredible new installment. This isn't settling down. It's putting on party clothes and heading out to have fun and make mistakes together. It's loving each other enough to make memories that last our entire lives.
istockphotos.com/gruizzaGo ahead and write your story. Live the life you've always dreamed of having. Be the person you want to become. Don't ever settle for anything. Don't turn yourself into something you aren't. Be the person I fell in love with. Then learn, and grow, and change into an even more wonderful and self-actualized version of that person.
I don't ever want you to change in a way that makes you unhappy. I don't ever want you to stifle your spirit or feel as though you have to bite your tongue. I don't want you to miss opportunities for your career or your personal life. I don't want to take you away from the rest of the world.
istockphotos.com/anyaberkutI want us to live the fullest and richest lives that we can. And I want us to do it together.
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