Husband Rushes Wife In Labor To Hospital But Police Stop Him For Speeding And Arrest Him
Oct 24, 2019 by apost team
In January of 2012, James Reiner was driving his wife to the hospital in Chesterton, Indiana. She was in labor and her water had broke. She was close to giving birth to their daughter. Understandably, James was rushing to the hospital, speeding, trying to get to the hospital in time.

James noticed flashing lights in his rear view mirror but Dana didn’t want him to stop the car. She needed to get to the hospital. She was begging him just to make it to the hospital. He kept driving. James decided to call 911 to explain the situation. However, the operator encouraged him to pull over. James assumed the police would understand his situation and help them get to the hospital according to Inside Edition.

However, that did not happen. The dash cam footage caught the whole incident. James got out of the car and was ordered to the ground. The officer was yelling at him and he was worried he was going to be shot. James was cuffed. In the footage, you can hear Dana yelling in pain.

She was shocked at what was happening. James tried to explain his situation, but they yelled at him for not pulling over. After 20 minutes, the ambulance finally arrived to get Dana. Only three minutes after getting to the hospital, Dana gave birth to a baby girl.
The baby’s umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck two times according to NBC News. If she hadn’t made it to the hospital in time, it could have ended badly. While his wife was giving birth, James was at the jail being arrested for not pulling over. He missed the birth of his daughter.
What do you think of this story? Were the cops right in how they treated James? Tell us your thoughts on the matter below. Pass this article to your friends and family to see what they think.