Hundred Pound Malamute Avoids Bath Time By Trying To Hide From His Owners
Jul 25, 2020 by apost team
After playing outside, Philip the Malamute's owner wants to give her dog a bath because he was a little smelly. His owner said that she normally doesn't bathe him herself, because she takes him to the groomers. However, he isn't booked for the groomers for another four weeks, and Philip smells so bad that his owner just has to wash him herself. Unfortunately for Philip's owners, he does everything form pouting to hiding to try and avoid bath time.

An Epic Battle for the Ages: Dog vs. Bath
It’s time for you to meet Phil. He is the epitome of a good boy, but his well-mannered demeanor flies out the window once bath time arrives. Despite carrying a weight of more than 100 pounds, this rare pupper transforms into a giant baby whenever the water starts running.
His unsettled reaction is downright adorable, so we are all very lucky that his owners in the UK decided to share a clip of the critter’s antics.
To Bathe or Not to Bathe
Malamutes are specifically known for their outgoing natures, so it’s extra surprising to see Phil cram himself into a corner that is far too small for him just to avoid a date with the suds. To seal his unsuccessful act of hide-and-seek, man’s best friend starts letting out the cutest whimpers of despair.
The best part comes when he presses his sad face into the corner believing that the act of hiding his eyes completely conceals him from view. He even tries to fit in the impossibly tiny crevice between the wall and the tub.

The Determination of a Muddy Malamute
Phil is serious about his anti-bathing stance, so he has a few more tricks up his furry sleeve. Despite some of his sillier attempts at evasion, he is smarter than you might anticipate.
Once the owners start ramping up their efforts, this mischievous malamute doubles down on his adamant refusal. Because he is fully aware of his own hefty mass, the determined doggie gets low to the ground and becomes practically unmovable.

Phil Keeps Attracting New Observers
The dog mom and dog dad that own Phil were not the only witnesses to his fuzzy shenanigans. In fact, the couple’s baby, Mia, was an avid spectator to the event. She was clearly entertained by the whole spectacle. Furthermore, their curious cat, Milo, watched the whole thing with a bemused and uninterested attitude.
Even though the two of them were not trying to get involved, Phil slyly transformed them into unwilling participants in his escape plan. At the moment it appears most convenient, Phil ducks behind both the child and the feline.
Milo gives a few furtive glances around the room and uneventfully leaves the scene. As you can see, the mind of the malamute can be unexpectedly sharp, and the mind of a cat could always care less.

Is Water Really the Culprit?
If you think Phil is reacting this way due to a fear of water, then you would be completely mistaken; in fact, he absolutely loves going for a swim in nasty ponds and dirty puddles. For some reason, he just loathes the tub. On the other hand, he will happily succumb to an outdoor shower with the garden hose, but a simple spray down is seldom enough to remove the filth and grime that Phil loves to find. Based on this knowledge, it appears that the malamute’s true phobia is cleanliness itself.
More Malamute Reflections
Because of their fluffiness and loyalty, a lot of dog lovers consider the malamute to be a next-level canine. This breed is super sociable and affectionate, which makes them ideal for all walks of life. When well-trained, these big cuddly creatures are perfect for families. Still, no amount of coaxing can make the prospect of a bath appealing to the likes of Phil.
Is your dog like Phil? Do you have a funny story about your pet's attitude towards bath time? Let us know and be sure to pass this on to others so they can give us their stories as well!