"Human Ken Doll" Reveals To Be Transgender And Chooses To Live As A Woman
Jan 15, 2020 by apost team
There are those curious viral stories that we can't help but follow. Try as we might, certain internet celebrities are a bit hard to resist. These people aren't particularly admirable or talented, but we can't help to Google their names and read about their lives as a sort of guilty pleasure.

A major example of this is Rodrigo Alves. If you find yourself unable to remember who this is, Alves is the man who chose to turn himself into a human version of the classic Ken doll. However, he didn't elect to do this with makeup or a smart fitness routine. Instead, he had 72 plastic surgeries.

It's true that there's something rather creepy about Alves' appearance. Yes, he vaguely resembles Ken, but the whole thing is a bit unsettling. However, our collective discomfort hasn't done much to deter Alves from becoming quite a minor internet celebrity.
Barcroft TV, Britain's ITV, and Inside Edition have all devoted quite a bit of airtime to this kooky figure. Now, Alves has decided to take his goal to look like a doll in a different direction. Instead of aspiring to resemble Ken, he now wants to resemble Barbie!
It's true. Alves has come out as a transgender woman, adopting the name "Roddy" in place of the more masculine Rodrigo. (Out of respect to Alves' gender identity, we'll use female pronouns to refer to her for the rest of this article.)
Alves made the announcement on her official Instagram account. In the post, she included a photograph of her presenting her as a woman. In an interview with This Morning, Alves gave an explanation about how she thinks her multiple cosmetic procedures stemmed from a more serious underlying issue.
Alves postulates that her attempt to turn herself into a living doll was merely her attempt to deny her secret desire to live her life as a woman. She says that she "tried her best to be a male. I had fake six-packs put in, arms put in, but I failed badly because I was never happy."
"I carried on having those plastic surgeries because actually I wanted to be a woman," Alves continued.
It's important to respect the journey of a person who's transitioned to the gender with which they more truly identify. Gender identity struggles can be very difficult for people and even someone as seemingly odd as Alves deserves our respect.
As for the new and improved Alves, she seems to be thriving in her new life as a woman. In her first appearance as a woman on ITV, Alves told interviewers that she had indeed gone through the appropriate psychological treatment and screenings that one ought to receive before transitioning genders. She assured them that this wasn't something she took lightly.
"I lived a great life as a man," Alves said. "I traveled the world [and] I've done everything that I could do as a man. Now it's a new beginning. It's 2020 and it's the beginning of a new life."
This story is sure to get the attention of those of us who flock to these wacky stories of internet celebs and their antics. Show this story to someone who also shares your love of these guilty pleasures.