How To Teach Your Daughter Self-Sufficiency
May 11, 2018 by apost team
One of the greatest and hardest things to be in this world is a woman. There are so many places on this planet that have had a history of treating women unfairly and some places still do. Also, a woman lives with so many people judging her, constantly giving their opinions on how she should live her life. This is mainly because most likely, a woman becomes a wife and mother very early in her life. Then, she must strive every day to remain self-sufficient and independent while being the main support for everyone in her family. This is not an easy task, especially if a woman was not taught how to be self-sufficient before she became the woman of the family.
If you are the mother of a daughter, it is your duty to teach your daughter how to be self-sufficient in this world that can often be (or seem to be) so full of unexpected hardships and judgment.
You may not know exactly what the future holds for your daughter, but you know enough to know that there are a few things she should know to always keep a part of herself independent and free, no matter how her life changes.
Every person with a car ends up stuck on the road with car trouble sometimes. Therefore, it is important for your daughter to know simple mechanics like changing a car tire and the basics of any mechanics to ensure she doesn't get a bad deal on repair.
Likewise, she needs to know how to defend herself in any situation. Teach her all that you know about defense against anyone, then put her in self-defense and survival classes so she can be prepared to fight against anything- animal or human.
It is important for you to let your daughter know all about discrimination, and how she may be treated for the way she looks, or even the simple fact that she is a woman. Be sure to provide examples from your life and those you know. These examples should also give helpful ways of how she should deal with discrimination in a positive way.
Another important lesson for your you to teach your daughter is the fact that she should always think for herself and that she needs to know when to say no. Obviously, she needs to be taught to have the courage to say no when she doesn't want to do something, such as unwanted sexual advances. For this lesson, you should let her know she has no need to feel guilty when she is sure about something that goes against her values. This courage will also come from the fact that she is used to thinking for herself since you, her mother has always encouraged her to think for herself.
Be sure guide her without pushing your opinions on her. Encourage her to think independently, letting her know she has the freedom to tell you anything knowing you will not judge her or criticize harshly.
Your daughter must know how to make money on her own in an honest way. She should know that she is smart and creative enough to always make a living for herself legally no matter what. You should also teach her the importance of spending her money in a smart way and saving her money to ensure her independence when the unexpected happens.
Your daughter also needs to know how to carry herself in the world, and when things need to be taken lightly. With the way today's media is, depicting women in so many negative ways, you have to make sure you show your daughter how to act sensibly with good morals, values, and a loving, kind heart. This will give her self-worth, and ensure she is treated with respect in the social world. She will know what to do in any social setting, always treating others with the respect required at the time. If you teach her this, you can rest assured she will be able to communicate intelligently and interestingly in any gathering or conversation.
Love is the most important thing to anyone on this Earth.
You must love yourself to ever think of loving anyone else. That is why it is so very important for you to teach your daughter what real love is and how to show it as often as you can. You can do this by providing a good example. Show her the healthy relationships you have with others that are not possessive, threatening, or violent in any way. Most importantly, be sure to make the relationship you and your daughter have a great one!
Let her know she will always have your support no matter what. Let her know you will always love her unconditionally and will be there whenever she needs help or support in any way, including helping her to find the self-sufficiency to make it on her own.
After you have gone over all these lessons with your daughter, you will know your daughter has all the tools to be successful in life. If you agree, you should be sure to discuss this with all your friends and family that have daughters. That way, you all can give each other more tips and advice.
Honestly, in today's times, a parent can never receive enough positive information and advice about the best way to raise a daughter successfully, so be sure to show them this article!