How To Read Your Future With The Markings On Your Palm
Apr 25, 2018 by apost team
You've probably at least heard of the idea of palmistry, but you might not realize how simple it is or how accurate it can be. There are various interpretations of the markings on your palms, but they're all relatively similar in the broad strokes.
When you first look at your palm, you should notice three main lines. These lines are the head line, the heart line, and the life line.

The Head Line
This is the center of the three main lines that extends from under your index finger at a slight downward angle. Shorter head lines mean you make quicker decisions, and a split head line means you are often indecisive.

The Heart Line
The heart line is the topmost line closest to your fingers. It relates to your connection with others, so a straight heart line that isn't very long relates to an inability to express oneself in front of others. Long heart lines relate to rationality and intuition. If you have a short heart line that curves in toward your middle finger, it typically means you prefer to stay home and spend time in small groups instead of public social situations.

The Life Line
The line that curves around the base of your thumb is the life line. A long life line means you're very reliable, and short life line means you don't like wasting your own time. If there is a second line accompanying the first, it means you are surrounded by a support system that is exceptionally stable and strong. A faint life line means you avoid adventure.
There are several other markings that can appear on your palm as well, and some are more difficult to find than others. No one has all the markings, but your dominant hand is likely to have several of them hidden somewhere in the tiny folds.

Any break in the main lines of your palm points to changes in your life. Some changes relate to your day to day life, and others relate to larger unexpected upheavals.

A chain is nothing more than a series of tiny circle in line, and each circle represents something in your life that you will have to overcome. It could relate to your health, romantic life, or professional life.

Crosses indicate long-term issues that often coincide with stress and other life changes. It might mean that some issue could require a change now so that it won't last for years.

If you have tiny dots on your palm, it might point toward health issues in the future. They can also appear during times of crisis, but they will often disappear when the crisis abates.

A grid pattern of small lines is called a grille, and it tends to represent an obstacle in your life. It might relate to exhaustion or anxiety, and it can mean a life change is needed.

Letter M
If your three main lines connect in an 'M' shape, it's quite rare, and it could mean you are a good potential partner who is stable and trustworthy.

Squares with a line break indicate the presence of a guardian angel in your life, and squares without a line break indicate a feeling of imprisonment.

Triangles are rare and a sign of good luck. If it appears on a main line, it strengthens that line tremendously. They can also indicate a successful future, so feel free to bet big on any decisions.

A trident indicates that you'll receive three sets of good fortune in series, so they are quite good. It usually means you'll be wealthy, happy, and healthy.
Spread the word so others can see how their markings will affect their futures, and leave your opinions or experiences dealing with palmistry.