How Do You Express Love? Find Your Love Language Here

Apr 16, 2018 by apost team

You might have heard people talking about their “love language.” Some people show their affection through doing things for other people, while some show it with beautiful words. No one love language is better than any other.

Dr. Gary Chapman, the author of The Five Love Languages, coined this term. He is interested in how different couples show their love to each other and how they communicate. By understanding our own personal love languages, we can understand what our partners need from us.

With 30 years of counseling experience, Dr. Chapman has found five distinct ways that people express their love. He has examined the ways couples communicate with each other and noticed that they fall into five different categories. According to his research, these love languages apply to almost everyone.

Dr. Chapman says that people are happiest when their partners use their personal love language to express their feelings. This is how relationships can be a little difficult when two people have two different love languages and feel like they’re not getting what they need. Knowing our partner’s love language can help us have a better relationship. 

Here are the five love languages:

1. Using words


Many people prefer to hear their partner loves them in words. Whether it’s compliments or declarations of love, they feel the most secure when their partner is connecting with them verbally. Arguments and insults hurt these people deeply.

2. Time spent together


People with this love language are satisfied when their partners pay attention to them. When a loved one focuses on them and their needs, these people are happiest. Acting distracted and not listening can damage a relationship with these people.

3. Gifts


Some people love to receive gifts. The more personal the better, with the amount of time and thought that went into the gift even more meaningful than the thing itself. People with this love language will be upset when their partners never get them anything.

4. Help and Support


Actions are what is meaningful for these people. Lending a helping hand to a partner is what makes these people feel they are in a strong relationship. Receiving help makes them feel loved. If your partner has this trait, beware that if you seem lazy or don’t keep your promises, they will be upset.

5. Touch


Some people thrive on the small, daily touches that make up a relationship. Kissing, holding hands, and hugging are very important to them. These people can feel lost and unloved if they are deprived of affection. Physical love is important to them, in the bedroom as well as outside it.

While it’s important to know your partner’s love language and to keep expressing it, you should keep showing your affection in all the other love languages as well. This can make our partners feel very loved and safe, and keep our relationships healthy for the long haul.

Discover your personal love languages and pass this article on to your friends and loved ones to find out theirs. Always good to be prepared ;)