Houston Police Officers Show Off Dance Skills To The Git Up Challenge
Mar 19, 2020 by apost team
People from all walks of life and in nearly every country in the world have been getting down to the catchy dance known as The Git Up. The song is performed by Blanco Brown and has become the most recent viral song.
This video is the prime example of how officers can do a great job while still letting loose from time to time. The two Houston officers can be seen letting their guards down and throwing caution to the wind. Jeremy Lahar and John Williams have worked together for many years, they've seen a lot of things, and have helped a lot of people.

Houston, Texas is one of the largest cities in the United States. This means that the Houston Police department is always busy. The officers have a lot on their plate, and it is a difficult job. However, these officers still know when and how to have a good time, The Houston Police Department's Twitter reports.


Although everyone knew they were great officers. Some friends may not have known about their hidden talent: dancing! A few officers in the know asked Lahar and Williams to perform The Git Up dance as part of the viral challenge. The two officers scoured the internet to see how other people were doing the dance and decided they could add their own little twist. They spent some time rehearsing before recording the dance for everyone to see.
The officers were standing in front of a sign which said: "We Love Houston". They had a friend record the dance and then they unveiled their impeccable dance moves. If you didn't know better, you may think these two were professional dancers instead of officers. They were in sync and moving to the beat. Both officers also wore some shades to complete the pro look.

Once the song ended, it was clear that the officers had just performed one of the best renditions of The Git Up Challenge. This sentiment was echoed online after Officer Lahar decided to upload it onto YouTube. Within a few days, the video had been liked over 12,000 times and viewed over half-a-million times.
These two officers bust the typical stereotype of officers being overweight and lazy. They're both hardworking, handsome, and talented officers who just shook up the viral world.
If you found this video interesting, show it to a family member or friend who knows someone who works in the police department.