Home Alone Again: Macaulay Culkin Recreates His Classic Scenes As Kevin And It's Just Incredible

Dec 26, 2018 by apost team

Home Alone has become an iconic Christmas movie that viewers of all ages can enjoy together. There is something appealing about being home alone without overbearing parents or annoying siblings. The young Kevin McCallister gets to stay up late, eat a lot of junk food and watch anything on television. He got exactly what he wanted for Christmas.

After a while however, Kevin begins to miss his parents and siblings. Despite having a lot of disagreements and fights, he realizes the importance of his relationship with the family. As this realization is coming to fruition, Kevin is faced with the scariest predicament of his entire life. He overhears that two burglars plan to break into his house.

Instead of backing down, Kevin diabolically creates a series of traps to intercept the burglars. He uses a blowtorch, tar, broken glass, nails, a hot door handle, paint cans and more against the two criminals.


Audiences demanded more after the success of the first Home Alone movie. The same creators came out with Home Alone 2: Lost in New York not long after the release of the first movie. In this sequel, Kevin was left behind by his parents once again. This time, he was stuck in New York City alone.

To make matters worse, he ran into the same two burglars again. The plot may have been slightly out of touch with reality, but audience still loved the film.

Watch the original trailer of the first Home Alone movie from 1990 here:

Three more movies were created in the Home Alone series although most people have not seen them. Many people don't care about these three sequels because they don't feature Macauley Culkin as the main protagonist.

The child star turns 38 years old today and makes public appearances every once in a while. During an interview, Culkin revealed that he had turned down a role in the Big Bang Theory three different times. Despite being on Ellen, The Tonight Show and the Joe Rogan Experience, fans want more of Culkin.

Fortunately, Culkin recently recreated some classic scenes from the iconic Home Alone movie.

Culkin created a commercial that featured some of the best scenes from the classic movie. The commercial revolves around Culkin's experience of being at home alone while having a virtual assistant.

He doesn't have to go to the store, he can see who is at the door and the moving mannequins become voice activated. This is the closest fans may ever get to having a Home Alone 3 featuring the original actor.

What do you think about Macaulay Culkin's comeback video? It sure reminded us of the timeless Christmas classic Home Alone. If you enjoyed this video, show it to a friend or family member who loves Home Alone!