Hester Ford, The Oldest Living American Will Celebrate Her 116th Birthday This Weekend

Aug 15, 2020 by apost team

Today is a monumental day for Hester Ford from Charlotte, North Carolina. It is her birthday. But not just any birthday – the oldest living American on record is turning the grand old age of 116.

Ford was born on a farm in Lancaster County, S.C. There is a bit of a debate about when exactly she was born. According to the Charlotte Observer, her family has said documents from the U.S. Census Bureau state she was born in 1905, but another set of Census Bureau documents say she was born in 1904.

Even if the truth is never revealed—as of July 30 she was officially the oldest person on record living in the United States, reports Spectrum News. If she is 115, then she is the sixth-oldest person living on the planet, but if she is 116 that would bump her up to the third-oldest.


The coronavirus pandemic has made the birthday celebrations for this year quite tricky, but Ford’s grandchildren Mary Hill and Clayton Harris, have said they will ensure they mark her special day with a worthy event. They have secretly planned a large-scale drive-thru this weekend, reports the Charlotte Observer.

They plan to have her presents left at the bottom of her driveway. These will then be collected and safely brought into the house ready for her to open.

When people ask Ford the classic question about her secret to living so long, she always responds with: “I just live right, all I know.”

By living right, she could mean the half banana that she has as part of her breakfast or the fact that until she was 108 she had never been hospitalized means that she has a guardian angel looking out for her.

Ford's usual routine has been disrupted due to the coronavirus. Her caretaker, Tamika Misenheime, told Spectrum News, “She usually calls once a month the first Sunday of the month (to church), but with the virus. She hasn’t been able to go. So they always send CDs and the deacons come and give her communion.”

Remarkably, Ford actually lived through the 1918 Flu pandemic. Hill said:

“She said this kind of reminds her of that time back then. She just said she remembers that a lot of people were sick.” 

Ford has an ever-expanding family. She has 68 grandchildren, 125 great-grandchildren, and at least 120 great-great-grandchildren. Remembering all their birthdays must be a nightmare. But one thing's for sure–they definitely won't be able to forget hers!

Hester Ford has lived many lifetimes and she deserves to celebrate her special day. Join us in wishing her a very happy birthday!