Heroic Homeless Man Jumps Into Action To Save Baby & Stroller From Crashing Into Traffic

May 10, 2023 by apost team

With all the bad things happening in the world, it’s hard not to question why these things even occur. But there are also great things around us that serve as a reminder that there is still good in humanity.

Every now and then, a person comes around who performs an amazing act of kindness that helps spread joy, hope and positivity. This could be something simple, like just holding the door open for someone who may need an extra hand. However, sometimes these acts of kindness are much bigger than people realize and completely change someone else's life.

In Los Angeles, California, a bystander’s quick reflexes had everyone online applauding him after successfully saving a baby on a stroller as it rolled away into ongoing traffic. Thanks to Ron Nessman, what would be an unfortunate and devastating incident was thwarted because of how his heroism. 

Nessman, who had just finished an interview at a nearby restaurant, was coincidentally sitting at a carwash when he saw the stroller being pushed by the strong winds in the high desert. 

In the video, a lady tripped as she tried to grab onto the handle of the stroller as powerful winds blew them away. The lady was unsuccessful in regaining her balance and collapsed on her knees again for the second time. At this point, the stroller was heading toward the road in open traffic. 

Moments later, Nessman rushed through it and grabbed the stroller with the baby boy inches before it ran to the middle of the road. 

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video

The gripping video footage of the actual incident went viral online and has attracted a lot of attention to Nessman and his heroism. According to NBC Los Angeles, Nessman had just finished an interview at a restaurant and was at the nearby patio of the carwash where the incident happened. His sister, who was also on the scene, recounted to the outlet what happened. 

"I heard screaming to the right," she recalled. "And I look back and I see a stroller going down the driveway and my heart dropped.”

Her brother Nessman, came to the rescue, thankfully. When asked about what he thought during that moment, he told CBS News:

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself I did nothing," said Nessman. "I'm just glad I realized it and was on it."

He added, "I didn't even have time to think about it. Just react."

Nessman was having a hard time and is trying to pick up his life recently. As he revealed to NBC, he was just living at his sister’s house three months ago after being homeless for eight years. 

“I decided to get right. If you want something different in your life, you do something different and that's where I am at today,” he continued. 

Because of Nessman’s heroism, the community decided to pay him back by changing his life forever. In another NBC report, it was revealed that he was offered at least five jobs after his heroic deed. This was apart from the original job he applied for hours before the incident. 

Despite the generous offers, Nessman stuck to the first job he applied for, and he was already accepted as a dishwasher for the popular fast food chain he previously applied at.


Ron Nessman definitely deserved to be called a hero! What can you say about his heroism? Would you have done the same thing if you were in the same position? Let us know, and pass this on to someone to brighten up their day!

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