Here's What Your Partner's Eye Color Says About Their Personality

May 02, 2018 by apost team

It's true that the eyes are the window to the soul! Let's find out more about your partner's soul.

1. Pick your partner's eye color and learn what it means.

2. If your partner has blue eyes...

Social-Personality: They like to put themselves in the role of the protector. They get a deep satisfaction from taking care of others.
Hidden Personality: They are always worried about what other people think of them, so they are very cautious and calculating in how they behave around others. This can be quite draining on them mentally and emotionally.
Type Of Lover: Blue-eyed partners are loyal and seek monogamous relationships.

3. If your partner has deep brown eyes…

Social-Personality: Brown eyed people always see the glass as half full because they have a zest for life.
Hidden Personality: They don't have anything hidden because they are an open book!
Type Of Lover: They know that they are whole as an individual, which means they won't change much if they're in a relationship. However, they do see the benefits of being in love and they want to find their soulmate.

4. If your partner has green eyes…

Social-Personality: They are very reserved because they don't want anyone to take advantage of them. If you wrong a green-eyed person, don't be surprised if they can't forgive you!
Hidden Personality: Although they are very confident, they know that being a team is more successful and rewarding than being single.
Type Of Lover: You have to spend a lot of time and energy gaining their trust, but once they let their walls down, they'll love you forever.

5. If your partner has amber-colored eyes…

Social-Personality: People with amber eyes have a special charm you can't quite name! Is it their intelligence, humor, or confidence that you find so alluring?
Hidden Personality: They are very independent because they want to steer clear of any drama. They can feel lonely because of this, but they know this is the best choice for their happiness.
Type Of Lover: You can't say no to them because they always know how to win you over. This can work in and out of your favor, so watch yourself!

6. If your partner has gray eyes…

Social-Personality: They have great courage and they use their skills for the betterment of their life, their loved ones, and their environment.
Hidden Personality: Since they hold themselves to such high standards, they can put too much pressure on themselves and be too harsh when they face a small failure.
Type Of Lover: Since they love wholeheartedly, they expect reciprocation from their partners. They are thoughtful and tender lovers who never forget an anniversary or holiday!

7. If your partner has hazel eyes…

Social-Personality: People with hazel eyes want to see as much of the world as possible! They love life and their excitement is contagious.
Hidden Personality: They feel most comfortable when they have full control. If something unexpected happens, they get stressed easily.
Type Of Lover: Although it takes a long time to win them over, once you've proven your love, they will love you fiercely!

Are these results accurate? Let your friends know how to decode their partner's eye color, too!