Here Are 8 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Weeds Completely From Your Garden
Oct 11, 2018 by apost team
The last thing you want is your garden to be choked away by those bullying weeds. You may be eager to drench them in harsh chemicals and bid them farewell. However, it's best to turn to safer methods to ensure the safety of you, your family, your plants and the environment.
1. Sprinkle Baking Soda In The Cracks.
Weeds, such as dandelions, love to creep up between those crevices. Sprinkling these spaces with baking soda will keep dandelions away from your flower bed and out in a field where they belong. Sodium will be too overwhelming for them.
2. Douse Them With Salt Water Solution.
You can pour this solution directly onto weeds to kill them. Simply boil two cups of water with one cup of salt and then boil. Sprinkling salt directly on the weeds will also help.
3. Spray Them With Vinegar.
This natural remedy kills weeds over time. Just spray the weeds from bottom to top, being sure not to miss the lower parts of the stem. This will ensure that you kill the root and that the plant won't resurface.
Repeat this method every other day or even more often if it rains. Be sure not to spray the plants you want to keep alive.
4. Head To Your Trusty Liquor Cabinet.
The primary ingredient of this next spray is vodka. Mix a solution that contains one oz of vodka, some liquid soap and two cups of water. You should make just enough to use in one shot.
This solution works best when used on a sunny day with weeds that grow in direct sunlight. The alcohol will help break down the waxy coating on the leaves. Furthermore, the sun will assist in drying it out. This method won't work in the shade.
5. Cover The Ground With Mulch.
Mulch works two-fold. First, it's excellent for enriching and moisturizing the soil. Mulch also works to prevent weed seeds from coming into contact with the soil and sprouting. Furthermore, mulch shades soil from sunlight, which is a necessary component for weeds to thrive.
6. Make Use Of Those Old Newspapers.
Newspaper and mulch can work together to reduce weeds by keeping out the sunlight and providing a warm habitat for earthworms. Simply wet the soil and cover weeds with newspaper. Then wet the newspaper and cover with mulch. Not only will your garden look neater and healthier. You'll be proud of yourself for recycling.
7. Blast Them Away With A Torch.
If you don't have an affinity for getting down on the ground and dirty, torching is clean and effective. When you take a torch to weeds, the water inside the plants' cells heats up. The heat causes the water to eventually turn to steam, causing the cells to explode. Job done. No need to get carried away and char the weeds, just letting them wilt is good enough.
Be sure to Never use this method on poisonous plants, such as poison ivy. The heat releases those poisonous oils into the air, which puts you at risk for eye or lung damage.
8. Sprinkle Some Cornmeal Onto Your Plant Bed.
Cornmeal prevents seeds from germinating. Because cornmeal is no respecter of plants, it will prevent your petunias, just as well as the crabgrass, from maturing. Be sure that your desired plants are firmly grounded and established before applying the cornmeal.
Do you know any other all-natural weed removal tricks we haven't listed? Feel free to leave a comment to let us know.