Here Are 7 Reasons Why Girls Broken By Narcissists Love Differently
Oct 26, 2018 by apost team
When you met him, you thought you had met the one. You thought you were about to finally live out your love story. Everything seemed to fall into place. He would kiss you and you would fall for him in a second. You were under his spell.
However, the honeymoon phase of a new relationship didn’t last very long. Once he knew he had you, he lost the mask. He showed you who he really was. You were in his trap and he knew it.
But you were addicted to him. You knew he wasn’t what was good for you, but you couldn’t leave. You thought the old him was coming back and you tried to wait it out. You came back for more again and again.
You believed all of his lies, no matter how far fetched they were. You believed all the stories about his crazy ex’s. But you now know they fell victim to him just like you did. were consumed by him. He was in complete control. He pretended to be interested in you, but he was only interested in himself. You felt like the most important thing in his life for a short while, until he got his way.
But you trusted him. He played his game and you fell in his trap. You had no power anymore. made sure you were all consumed by him. He took you from your friends and family. He made you think you only needed him and no one else. He made you feel alone without him.
The mask came off and you realized the life you had been sucked into. You were now stuck and you couldn’t get out. This was your life now and you weren’t able to change it. weren’t able to escape. He made you think you were crazy. You made you think you were the one that changed and had the problem, not him. He damaged your self-esteem. You believed everything he said. He twisted what you thought was real into his own fantasy.
But you finally freed yourself. You got out of the nightmare. You crawled out of the dark hole he dug for you. You stopped believing the lies. You were left cracked and hurt, but free. The relationship left you loving differently and approaching relationships differently.
1. You don’t know what real love is
You might have gotten a slight glimpse of what love should be like at the beginning of the relationship. He did everything he was supposed to do. But it was a lie from the beginning. He didn’t love you. He wanted to draw you in. You never actually had real love with him. It was a trick. DolmatovEven though you have now met someone who does love you, you don’t know it or know how to take it. You have doubts and reservations. You are confused and take your time to trust him. It is hard for you to accept.
2. You don’t trust people
You were able to say what you wanted in the past. You were just a void that he filled with whatever he chose. You didn’t like what he filled you with, but you couldn’t say that. When you were finally able to speak for yourself, you feared you would be forced into silence again. You don’t trust that someone won’t try to silence you. need to take the time to trust someone. But the right person will understand that. He will give you your space. He won’t be hurt by it. He will be there for you and wait for you to be fully ready to trust again.
3. You want to ruin the good things
You don’t do this consciously, but subconsciously. You want to destroy your happiness. You sabotage a good relationship because it scares you. You chase people away or at least try to. He seems like the perfect guy but that scares you. You thought you met the perfect guy before, and you were wrong so you don’t believe it now. It seems too perfect so it must be bad. don’t accept that something good is finally happening to you. You were so wrong before and you can’t accept that you have something good happening.
4. You say sorry all of the time
You were used to being at fault. You were used to being made to feel like you were wrong and crazy. You had to say sorry all the time in the bad relationship. Its become a habit to you. In order to avoid conflict, you would just apologize to him. You knew he would accept that instead of fighting. if he really loves you, you won’t have to apologize constantly. He won’t let you. He will be willing to apologize before you even get the chance to. You won’t be able to apologize all of the time like you were used to before.
5. You are more distant
Because you don’t trust anyone, you will become distant. You distance yourself because you want to protect yourself. You don’t know if this person is the right one for you to be with. You are still hurt and untrusting. You don’t want to get hurt again. Your mind is fighting your heart. Your heart wants to allow him in, but your mind is holding you back. The memory of your past relationship holds you back. won’t last forever. If he is the right one, he won’t let it. He will work hard to prove himself. He will earn your trust and make sure you know he is in it for the long run. He won’t let you run from him.
6. You are preparing yourself for the crash
Even though there won't be one, you will be constantly preparing yourself for one. Things are going smoothly, but you can’t shake the feeling. He is wonderful and kind and shows you love and attention. But you are still waiting for the fallout. You wait for the lies to show their ugly face. But there aren’t any to show. keep yourself on guard. You build a wall around yourself to protect yourself from any more pain. He will tear that down very carefully by showing his consistent love.
7. You want to stay safe
You need to know that everything will be okay. You want to believe that he will keep you safe before you fully trust him. You have a hard time believing that though. He does everything he can to make you feel safe, and you will still have a hard time believing it. You need to know you are more loved than ever and it is safe to love back. want to give him all the love you have to give. And you have a lot of love to give. He will know you love differently than others, but its something he loves about you.
What did you learn from dating a narcissistic personality? How has it changed you? We would love to hear from you. Show this article to your friends and family so other people broken by narcissists know they are not alone.