Healing By The Stars: How Your Zodiac Star Sign Deals With Heartbreak
Apr 24, 2018 by apost team
Astrology is designed to give us a deeper look into our personality to help us learn more about ourselves. This is especially true when it comes to learning to heal through a heartbreak. If you'd like to learn how your zodiac sign handles heartbreak best, keep reading.
1. Aries: March 21 - April 20

You were born with an incredible ability to bounce back from any difficulty. You are able to understand that just as nature experiences endings and beginnings, so, too, does love. Embrace your love of adventure. It will pull you out of any dark mood.

2. Taurus: April 21 - May 20

You're notorious for refusing to let go. This includes the pain of a broken relationship. Whether you hold onto the anger towards your ex or the love you still feel for them, you will not find happiness or healing unless you learn how to let go and forgive.
3. Gemini: May 21 - June 21

You become so focused on your lost love that it makes you blind to the many possibilities still awaiting you at the end of your grief. You can't let this bad episode make you forget that there is a world of potential lovers for you, waiting for you to realize that the sun will continue to rise even though you're hurting now.
4. Cancer: June 22 - July 22

You fall in love completely because you're a water sign. When you enter into a relationship, it's for keeps. If that bond is broken, you can be utterly devastated. You need to remember that all love stems from your love of self. Take care of yourself during this dark time so that you can be ready to love again when the time comes.
5. Leo: July 23 - August 21

You tend to throw your entire self into your relationships. When they fail, you can become lost and unsure of yourself, Leo. The best way for you to deal with your heartache is to take some time to yourself and rediscover who you are so that you can heal.
6. Virgo: August 22 - September 23

Although you are represented by the virgin, you tend to let your mindset cater to negative thoughts. If a relationship ends, your first thought is, "Of course it would end." You have to remember to find happiness in the little things that create your daily life while your pain heals.
7. Libra: September 24 - October 23

You have a tendency to always need someone in your life. You base your happiness and self-worth on having a relationship. This mentality can lead you to experience a lot of deep pain when a relationship ends. Instead of seeking comfort in lovers, seek it in close friends and family.
8. Scorpio: October 24 - November 22

You tend to have a bit of a temper when hurt by a loved one, Scorpio. This can lead to you holding a grudge and seeking revenge. Your energy will be better spent learning from the experience and growing into a wiser person.
9. Sagittarius: November 23 - December 22

You wear your heart on your sleeve, Sagittarius, and because of this, you know heartbreak more often than the other signs. You can't let this harden your heart. Your next great love is out there, and they will need your gentle sensitivity and loving heart.
10. Capricorn: December 23 - January 20

You seek distraction when your heart hurts, Capricorn. This usually comes in the form of increasing your workload. While distractions are a healthy coping mechanism, don't become consumed by distractions to the point where you neglect to acknowledge your feelings and deal with them properly.
11. Aquarius: January 21 - February 19

Being such a cerebral sign, you tend to think that you're solely at fault when a relationship ends. You'll think about the mistakes you made so you won't make them next time. This line of thinking only leads to more pain. You deserve someone who will love you beyond your shortcomings.
12. Pisces: February 20 - March 20

You base your happiness on your interactions with other people, Pisces. This can be both a blessing and a curse, especially if someone decides to leave you. Find comfort by stepping out of your comfort zone. Try spending some time by yourself to learn to love your own company so that the loss is less painful.
When traveling the road of lost love, remember that there is an ending. You won't travel this road forever. Heed the celestial advice from your zodiac sign and find your next great love at the end of the road.