Have You Met Your Match With This Matchstick Brainteaser #8
Oct 25, 2017 by apost team
We love a good puzzle and this matchstick series has some real head scratchers! If you love a challenge as much as we do then you are going to really enjoy these - it makes for the perfect midday brain exercise and will keep you sharp! Each one of these puzzles has the answer hidden inside of them so you have to use visualization to solve them. Ready for take eight?
We have arranged these matchsticks in a such a way that all of the matchsticks in the first row and third row, as well as the first and third columns, contain exactly 12 matchsticks each. The challenge is to remove four matchsticks and rearrange the remaining matchsticks so that those lines still contain 12 matchsticks.

Did you figure it out? Was it harder than you expected? Or maybe you are a puzzle genius and you found it easy! Either way, you can check your answer below.

How did you do? Did you enjoy this tricky brainteaser? SHARE now with your friends and loved ones to challenge them and don't forget to check out the other puzzles in this series!