Hairdresser Transforms Little Girl’s Hair Mishap Into ‘Spunky’ New Hairdo
Jun 13, 2023 by apost team
Being a parent of a small child can be difficult, but sometimes you just have to learn to go with the flow and see the humor in everyday childhood shenanigans, a lesson a mom in Ohio learned from her two kids.
Breana Naylor is the proud mom of then-3-year-old Colt and then-2-year-old Kimber. Colt and Kimber have a tendency to keep Naylor on her toes, so when she got a moment to relax, she took it without question. After not hearing her kids playing for several minutes, Naylor decided that she better make sure everything was OK, the Mirror reported about the 2019 incident.
Searching in her bedroom, Naylor was surprised to see some of Kimber's long blonde hair on the floor. After she looked in the closet, she saw the two of them hiding behind some of her dresses. Naylor got quite the shock when she saw Colt giving Kimber a haircut, the scissors still in his little hands as Kimber obediently sat still as if the impromptu snip had been planned out.
“When I saw them I was shocked, but I thought it was funny. I started laughing,” the mom admitted.
Rather than scolding her children for behavior that would horrify most parents, Naylor picked up Kimber. Instead of reprimanding her kids, the mom simply felt amused. This was in contrast to the reaction of Naylor’s husband after hearing about what had happened. However, Naylor clarified, “My husband came in and he was a little angry at first — until he found the humour in it too.”
Naylor explained that Colt had been “holding the scissors up to Kimber’s head and she was sitting very still and being patient with him while he cut her hair.” Unfortunately, it wasn’t the best end result.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)
Thankfully, Naylor had a plan in mind to fix the whole situation. The young mom called her friend, hair stylist Jen Bullock, to remedy the damage Colt had caused while playing with his sister. Naylor had actually spoken to Bullock earlier in the day about setting up her own haircare appointment but decided to forget about it for now in the wake of Kimber’s hair emergency.
Naylor said that Bullock arrived at their door shortly after Naylor contacted her. Bullock worked her magic, giving Kimber an amazing haircut that Naylor described as “rad.” Naylor said she felt that Kimber’s new asymmetrical hairdo better reflected her character and that it might even spur her daughter to act more adventurously because of it.
"I'm not sure if Kimber is more spunky now because of her hair, or if her hair now matches her personality. I think the hair definitely suits her more now,” Naylor explained.
Bullock posted the “hair emergency” on Instagram, while Naylor posted before and after photos of Kimber on Facebook. The latter’s post garnered thousands of comments as users throughout the world reflected on how great Kimber looked after her appointment with Bullock.
“So cute great save,” one commenter wrote, while another added, “Good Job Momma. Actually pretty adorable!”
Despite the incident, Naylor said that Colt and Kimber are normally just regular kids, not getting into any trouble bigger than jumping off the family’s living room couch or attempting to climb shelves in the pantry. Naylor said she also had a chat with Colt to make sure that her little boy knows never to use scissors anymore without an adult present.
Do you agree it was a great save by Kimber's mom? What's the naughtiest thing your kids have done while out of your sight? Let us know, and don't forget to pass this along to all the moms and dads who would love to hear about it.