Guy Sparks Drama On Flight After Refusing To Switch Seats To Accommodate Woman’s ‘Religious Beliefs’
Sep 23, 2021 by apost team
Flying can be challenging. You often feel rushed at the airport and having to go through security can take longer than we’d like. Traveling by plane can become even more stressful when there is an argument or altercation during the flight. It seems these days there are more and more stories of drama and difficult situations starting on planes.
In one such story, a man shared on Reddit that he was taking a flight to summer camp when a woman asked him to switch seats because she was in the middle seat between two men and due to her religion she felt that this would cause her “sexual issues.” The poster said that he declined her request to move and so did the other gentleman sitting next to her.
Then, after the young man reassured her that he is gay and has no interest in women, she asked the flight attendant for a new seat due to “religious beliefs.” The flight attendant responded that there was nothing she could do. The woman grew frustrated and finally, a man sitting in the aisle agreed to give her his seat.
This was a minor argument, but the young man was left wondering if he had done something wrong by not submitting to the woman’s request due to her religious beliefs. He posted his story on Reddit to get the opinions of other users and wanted to know if he should have given in to the woman’s wish instead of refusing to move. Keep reading to see what other people had to say about the situation.

The young man started his post on Reddit by writing, “I am heading to summer lacrosse camp, and once we were seated a woman asked me to change seats. She explained that in her religion it was taboo to sit next to two males, due to possible ‘sexual issues.’ I advised her that I was gay and did not have any sexual interest in women.”
He then added: “The lady then went to the flight attendant and told them her religious convictions and my comment. The FA looked at her and said there was nothing they could do. The portly gentleman next to her said he had a bladder issue. Another gentleman in the aisle finally agreed to switch.”
The majority of users on Reddit agreed that the woman was likely not being truthful about her religious beliefs. One person commented: “There are no religious beliefs that would allow a woman to sit next to one man, but not two.” The woman did not explain what her religious beliefs are, only that other people should have to accommodate her because of them.
A different person felt that the woman had an ulterior motive for wanting to change the seating. “She was looking for an excuse to get out of sitting in the middle seat,” wrote another commenter.
A third person shared a personal story, writing, “I had someone who wanted my aisle because they were claustrophobic. I try to be sympathetic but I asked the flight attendant if I would get a refund for my seat. Nope, but could I still move. Nope, I can't.”

There is data that suggests that airline passengers have become harder to deal with in recent years. Nearly 5,000 Flight Attendants that represent 30 airlines completed the Association of Flight Attendants’s “Unruly Passengers Survey. "The survey found that: “85% percent of respondents reported having dealt with at least one unruly passenger so far in 2021. 58% percent reported handling at least five incidents. And a shocking 17% reported a physical confrontation with a passenger."
Sara Nelson, President of AFA-CWA said, “This survey confirms what we all know, the vitriol, verbal and physical abuse from a small group of passengers is completely out of control, and is putting other passengers and flight crew at risk. This is not just about masks as some have attempted to claim. There is a lot more going on here and the solutions require a series of actions in coordination across aviation.”
She continued, “It is time to make the FAA ‘zero tolerance’ policy permanent, the Department of Justice to utilize existing statute to conduct criminal prosecution, and implement a series of actions proposed by our union to keep problems on the ground and respond effectively in the event of incidents.” Being up in the air with a passenger that is making a scene can be quite scary.
Nelson added that these unruly passengers should not be allowed to continue this behavior. She said, “This is not a ‘new normal’ we are willing to accept. We know the government, airlines, airports, and all stakeholders can take actions together to keep us safe and flying friendly.”

What would you have done in this situation? Do you think the man was right to keep his seat? Let us know what you think and be sure to send this on to your loved ones.