Guests Pleasantly Stunned By Beluga Whale During Aquarium Wedding
Jun 11, 2020 by apost team
In 2011, Juno the beluga surprised at a wedding held at Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut by swimming right behind the bride, groom, and their officiant while the ceremony was in progress.

They decided to stage their wedding ceremony in an aquarium. A backdrop of water, fish, and serenity greeted the guests as they looked on. Then, without warning, an uninvited guest turned up in an outfit matching the bride’s white dress. Juno the beluga whale stood behind the officiant, fins outstretched, seemingly smiling as the happy couple exchanged vows. Rumor has it the bride and groom considered it a great omen predicting many years of wedded bliss.
The bride smiled brilliantly as the whale looked on, leading many to wonder whether the whale, her husband, or the occasion made her so happy. Even the officiant wore a big smile at the sight of his assistant in the background. No one confirmed whether the whale received a fee for its excellent timing and magnificent pose.

The couple released a photo on social media with the provocative caption of “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something beluga.” The picture provided instant fame to the whale and its home in Mystic, Connecticut.
As wedding photobombs go, the beluga whale may top the list—no toddlers in the background; no shirtless runners ruining an outdoor scene; not even an impertinent clownfish (A clown at a wedding? Good grief, no).

With the whale posed as if it were part of the ceremony, the memes wrote themselves. Some had the bride and the whale change places as if the groom swapped her out at the altar. Some replaced the officiant with the whale. Others had the whale joined by the characters from various animated shows, including The Little Mermaid and SpongeBob SquarePants.

It is unknown whether bookings for weddings at the Mystic, Connecticut aquarium increased as a result of the publicity. The aquarium likely will not guarantee the appearance of the whale at nuptials. Certainly, it will decline any request to have the whale administer the wedding vows.
Future brides and grooms booking a wedding at the aquarium face the bleak prospect of a wedding without a whale. They will settle for the lovely scenery, the relaxing waters, and perhaps a few fish.
Would you like to have a beluga assist with officiating your wedding? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this along to your friends and family.