Grieving Woman Keeps Her Late Husband's Selfless Summer Tradition Going And Now It's Going Viral
Jul 19, 2018 by apost team
Charlie, the late husband of Velvet Poveromoo, is constantly on the mind of his widow. Before her husband's death, she had been married to Charlie for 37 years. Since he died she has been carrying on his traditions, and now she is working to keep his memory alive by continuing his summer tradition.
She is also realizing how much Charlie did to make her life run more smoothly. Charlie did the housework and yard work. He also helped care for their grandson.
Keeping up with Charlie's chores and traditions has been difficult for Velvet. Velvet described one particular tradition that was also an extreme act of kindness. Charlie used to bring water to the garbage men during the summer. The tradition began during a peculiarly hot summer one year. Charlie offered the hard-working men water, and he made sure they had all they needed before continuing their day.
Despite beginning as a treat for the garbage men, several civil servants began to make use of Charlie's cooler, which he had explained to the garbage men would be there all summer.
Everyone from police officers to firemen to construction workers would often grab a drink from the cooler when they needed it.
After her husband died Velvet had trouble simply getting out of bed. One day she just decided to get up and prepare drinks for the garbage men. She left a note by the cooler explaining the passing of her husband; she also told them that she would do her best to keep their thirsts quenched. The garbage men expressed their gratitude in a way that made Velvet tear up.
They all stepped out of their truck and saluted Velvet and her home.
When the community heard that Velvet was continuing Charlie's altruistic traditions they donated cases of bottled water. Charlie's tradition continued to grow. Now coolers can be seen all over the neighborhood, open for all who are thirsty. In fact, the hashtag #CharliesCooler was made to celebrate Charlie and his traditions.
Velvet and the rest of her community hope to continue this tradition.
Think of all the people in your neighborhood that could benefit from something like this. Tell your friends and family about Velvet, Charlie, and their noble traditions. Perhaps you can even get something like this started in your own neighborhood.