Grandson Gives A Helping Hand To His 102-Year-Old Grandpa Only To Make The Family Crack Up Laughing
Aug 01, 2018 by apost team
We all know that age is really just a number. This grandfather truly knows this to be true, as he is 102-years-old and ready to party it up on a boat! He doesn’t want to sit around at home with cake, he wants to keep it moving. He was the one to ask his family if they could have a fun day out on the lake in a boat for his birthday celebration. He knows how to ring his 102nd birthday in right- he is ready to party. The crew dropped anchor right in the middle of the lake and Gramps was right there waiting.
Gramps sat on the boat for a bit while the younger generation splashed around in the lake. He thought it looked like a lot of fun! Sure, his body had aches and pains, but Gramps wanted to enjoy the water just like his family was doing.
He was ready to dive right in!
He was pleased with the thought, but his family was worried. Would he be okay in the cold water? They discussed it amongst themselves first before deciding to help Gramps into the cold lake. But Gramps had his own plans. He didn’t want to just wade cautiously in- he wanted to dive instead!
Gramps got a little bit of help from his grandchild steadying himself on the edge of the boat. They all expected him to jump into the water, but no- Gramps quickly performed a smooth dive that made the whole family crack up! His family smiled and laughed as they watched their 102-year-old grandfather gracefully swim out into the lake. It just goes to show that age really is only a number!
Take a quick look at this heart-warming video below. The way he looks at life is truly an inspiration to us all!
Where you as surprised as us when Gramps dove into the cold lake? Give us your thoughts in the comment section and be sure to pass this along to others who love seeing the older generation enjoy life!