Grandma Had Same Look Since The 80s Until Unrecognizable Makeover
Oct 08, 2020 by apost team
Cathy Fidler, a mom of three and grandmother of one from Redding, Pennsylvania, had a hard time letting go of the trends from the 1980s until she got a makeover in 2014 that changed everything for her.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)
Cathy's curly hair, feathered bangs, and out-of-date wardrobe has her daughter, Kayla, fed up. With her brother's upcoming wedding, Kayla thought it was time her mom had a makeover.

After enlisting the help of Rachael Ray, Kayla's mom Cathy traveled to New York City for her "glamma" makeover. In a pre-taped interview, Cathy showed off her getting-ready routine which included brushing a comb through her already frizzy hair and dressing up in sweat pants and an off-the-shoulder top that looked like it came straight out of the movie 'Flashdance'.
Cathy admitted that she doesn't like spending money on herself so she hasn't updated her wardrobe or stepped foot in a salon for almost 25 years.
Rachael instructed celebrity stylist Kyan Douglas to bring this grandma out of the 1980s and into the 21st century with a head-to-toe makeover. Cathy was kept away from her daughter Kayla throughout the entire makeover and wasn't allowed to see herself in the mirror until the big reveal.

Despite some tears and difficulty saying goodbye to the old Cathy, the new Cathy was all smiles when she stepped out in front of the audience. Clad in a fitted red dress, leopard-print heels, and a fresh new 'do, Cathy looked absolutely amazing.
As Rachael and the audience stood in shock at her incredible transformation, Cathy's daughter had tears streaming down her face as she witnessed how beautiful her mom looked. When Rachael told Cathy to turn around and check herself out on the big screen, she couldn't believe her eyes.
The before and after comparison of Cathy was truly remarkable. Both Cathy and her daughter were left speechless.
What do you think of Cathy's new look? Do you think she'll finally stay out of the 1980s and keep up with her new style? If this makeover had you picking your jaw up off of the floor, be sure to pass this video along to others for them to enjoy. There's nothing quite like a much-deserved makeover to warm the heart.