Grandma Claimed She Could Dance Like The Kids – But No One Believed Her Until The Music Started

Jul 08, 2019 by apost team

Russell Horning is the teenager who is credited with a crazy new dance move called “The Floss” or “flossing,” which involves flailing your arms quickly from side to side. When Russell shared the dance on Instagram it went viral quickly. But one grandmother from Indiana is also going viral after being caught on camera attempting the fast dance.

To floss, simply straighten your arms and clench your fists. Swing them from back to front on each side of your body rapidly. Repeat over and over.

This amazing 70-year-old was eating at a Clarksville iHop with her family. As they were leaving, she saw a little boy flossing outside. She thought it was just the best thing ever and even gave the little boy a dollar bill for his efforts. But that wasn’t the end of it.

The little boy encouraged the older lady to try the dance herself. Not one to back away from a challenge, Granny took him up on it. She starts the moves out slow to make sure they are the right ones. As the woman behind the camera encourages her to pick up speed, she does. The woman was her daughter and we are so happy she was there with a camera to capture what happened next. It is so very cute to watch!

You may not think so, but Grandma is actually a retired pastor. Growing up in the 1950s, she danced at many sock hops. You can see that she still has the moves as she completely nails this new viral dance! When she is done she punches the air in victory and then saunters off, all while nodding her head happily. Everyone starts to cheer as Grandma sassily walks away. We all hope we can dance this well when we turn 70!

Are you ready to watch this amazing woman dance? Check out the video below!

What do you think about this video? Would your grandma be able to perform this dance? Let us know in the comments and pass this article on to your friends and family!