Good Men Aren’t Afraid To Put In Effort
Aug 14, 2018 by apost team
Finding the right guy can be tough. Sometimes, you might even start to feel like you don't know who is and who isn't a good guy any longer. However, there are some telltale signs that let you know when you've got the right guy and he's someone you need to hold on to.
Read on to see if the guy you're with right now matches the definition of a good guy.
He Shows Interest
A good guy doesn't play games and make you wonder whether he's really interested. He won't keep you waiting to hear back from him. He'll ask you on a real date and make it clear that it's a date, and he won't keep you wondering how he feels about you.
He's Affectionate
He kisses you and says he loves you even when his friends are around. He doesn't feel his masculinity is threatened by being open about his feelings. He'll even go so far as to call you pet names in front of other people, baby talk with you and cuddle you.
He Prioritizes You Over His Friends
He'd rather come home to you than stay out half the night at the bar with his friends. When they head for the strip club, he calls it a night. Good guys don't make plans without checking with you first, and they don't care if anyone teases them about any of it. They'll always put your needs first. Not only that, but a good guy spends time planning dates and selecting gifts for you. Good guys find time in their schedule for you even when they are busy.
He Shows Commitment
Whether it's meeting your loved ones, telling you to keep your stuff at his place or eventually talking about marriage and children, a good guy shows that he is ready to build a life with you.
He Does the Little Things
Big gestures are great, but it's the little ones that add up. Things like splitting the household chores with you, giving you little gifts and cooking your favorite foods are all things a good guy will do for you.
He is Romantic
From genuine compliments and buying you presents on your anniversary to watching romcoms with you, a good guy will make you feel special and spoiled. A good guy wants to do everything he can to make you happy.
What do you think about this list of how to spot a good guy? Would you add anything to it? Comment and let us know.