Golden Retriever Saves Owner’s Life By Laying Beside Him For Almost 20 Hours In Freezing Temperatures
Oct 04, 2019 by apost team
One golden retriever is being deemed a hero for staying by her owners side after he slipped on ice and broke his neck. Michigan man Bob told of his pups heroic actions that led to him surviving nearly 20 hours of 24 degree temperatures.

New Year's Eve quickly turned into a nightmare for Bob when he ran out of his house wearing only pajamas to quickly grab another log for his fireplace. However, according to CBS, Bob slipped and broke his neck on a patch of ice.

“I was screaming for help but my nearest neighbor is about a quarter-mile away and it was 10:30 p.m., but my Kelsey came,” explained Bob, according to a statement obtained by CBS News from McLaren Northern Michigan hospital. Kelsey is Bob’s pet golden retriever.
“She kept barking for help but never left my side,” Bob said. “She kept me warm and alert. I knew I had to persevere through this and that it was my choice to stay alive.”

Bob’s daughter Jenny told WPBN, “The last thing he remembers saying is telling Kelsey that he was so sorry, that he tried as hard as he could to stay alive, he wasn’t sure by the end. He remembers losing consciousness and kind of putting his head to the side and saying, ‘I gave it all I could give it’ and that was it.”

A neighbor discovered Bob in the morning lying unconscious with Kelsey by his side. He was rushed to the hospital where he was hypothermic with a core body temperature under 70 degrees according to CBS.

Dr. Chaim Colen who performed surgery on Bob told WPBN:
“I don’t think he would be living unless the dog were there, the dog kept him warm. The dog kept his extremities warm. He didn’t have any frostbite and it was 24 degrees that night.”
What do you think about Kelsey’s heroic actions? Spread the word about Kelsey so others may give her the praise she deserves.