Girl Locked In Her Own Body For 4 Years Wakes Up To Confess The Truth She Was Forced To Hide
Mar 15, 2019 by apost team
As an 11-year-old adolescent, Victoria Arlen knew that something was off. She felt that something was quickly becoming wrong with her.
She suddenly became ill, stopping her from indulging in the same hobbies that she had always had, swimming and dancing.

At first, her sickness began with various onsets of the flu, but later developed into more somber matters and resulted in her losing the ability to use her legs. As time went on, her mother, Jacqueline, became more and more worried about her daughter.
After countless visits to the hospital, Victoria was diagnosed with two autoimmune diseases. These conditions impacted both her brain and her spinal cord. It seemed like Victoria had little hope left.

She was couldn't communicate like she used to, but that didn’t stop her parents from loving her and caring for her. But then something happened that no one could have expected, not even the doctors.
Her parents experienced the shock of their life when they realized that their beloved daughter was actually still there - trapped inside her body, desperately attempting to communicate with them.

Victoria shocked everyone because she was still aware of everything going on around her.
Although she had no ability to move or communicate with her peers and had lost the capability of controlling her eyes, she was still aware of her surroundings, something that her sisters and parents did not realize.

Victoria was desperately trapped inside of her own failing body but had attempted to communicate with her parents day after day trying to make them aware that she was still there.
When Victoria was 15 and had been diagnosed for 4 years, she realized that everyone around her believed she had lost her consciousness.
Things started to turn around for Victoria when the doctors visited her and prescribed a medication that helped her regain control over the movement of her eyes. This allowed her some sort of communication with her parents.
Today, Victoria has regained control of her illnesses and is back to being the happy and excited girl she once was. You won’t believe this story until you hear it for yourself:
What do you think about Victoria´s story? Make sure to drop a comment to let us know. Do you know people who have experienced something similar and might need this glance of hope? Pass this video on to spread love and hope.