Garbage Collector Collects 25,000 Abandoned Books From Trash, Creates Community Library In His Home
Sep 20, 2019 by apost team
Sanitation workers deal with a lot of trash. Since they must cover a lot of ground during the workday, few trash workers have time to look at what they haul. The toss bags and empty cans into the back of the truck quickly.
That's the way the day goes. Sometimes, workers wonder why people throw valuable things out. Usually, people don't have the space for old items. So, even if they have some value, out in the trash they go. Sanitation workers aren't in the salvage business. They dispose of "trash" despite its value.
Jose Alberto Gutierrez of Bogata, Columbia, however, takes a little extra care with his trash removal job. If he finds books in the trash, he removes them. Today, Gutierrez amassed a collection of 25,000 books. He did not do this to resell anything. According to the BBC, Gutierrez rescued the books to build a personal library, one he opens to others.
The process started about 20 years ago. Gutierrez saw a copy of Anna Karenina, the classic work of literature by Leo Tolstoy in the trash. Realizing that it was wrong for the novel to head to the local incinerator, he took it from the trash can. The Tolstoy work became the first item in the soon-to-be 25,000-book library.
The library exists at the man's home. Photos of Gutierrez at his residence show him in the shadow of thousands of books. It is incredible when you stop to realize all those beautiful works of fiction and nonfiction would long ago suffer incineration.
Word traveled fast about the growing collection at his home. People ventured to his doors to ask about borrowing books. Not a selfish man, Gutierrez was happy to lend out titles to people interested in reading. Not everyone has the funds to purchase expansive hardcovers and softcovers. Traveling to the nearest official library isn't always easy, either. Thankfully, Mr. Gutierrez steps to help everyone out with their leisure and more serious reading.
Many visitors to the "community library" are young children. They continue their studies by accessing the books at the local trash collector's home. By helping the kids, Gutierrez gives back to his community many times over. He's under no obligation to do this. Gutierrez does so completely out of the goodness of his heart.
Yes, there are some terrific people in the world. Jose Gutierrez is one of them. Tell your friends about his good deeds. They won't help but feel inspired by his tale.