Forget Baths And Face Masks - Here Are 22 Creative Ways To Practice Self Care In 2019

Oct 29, 2018 by apost team

Most of us tend to care for others more than ourselves. While it is important to take care of others, you can't let your self-care be neglected. A lot of people think that doing a simple face mask and bubble bath is sufficient.

Those were some of the biggest trends in the past. Now we need to expand our variety of self-care habits. Taking care of yourself has great benefits and can increase your overall health. Here are some suggestions, take a look at this list below.

1) Bike Ride

Riding a bike down a quiet trail can be very peaceful and relaxing. Not only are you getting some well deserved quiet time, you are also getting a pretty good workout.

2) Hiking

Some prefer hiking over biking. This allows you to take a little more time soaking up the sun and the views along the trail. Giving your brain this much needed space, will increase your mental health.

3) Night Out with the Girls

These nights are vital to a woman's mental health. Your friends are your support system, along with your family of course. It's a nice break to go out with the girls and let your hair down. Just have some fun and share secrets too. These are the girls that love you and would never place judgment on you. You know these girls are the ones you can trust for the deepest issues you face.

4) Drink Water

Yes, you hear this all the time. Drink water for your health. Drink water to loose weight. Drink water just because you are supposed to. But, you also need to drink water for your self care. This will help you to detox your body. You'll have an increase in energy, less headaches, and your skin will even become more clear. The best benefit to drinking water is that it makes you feel a lot better in general.

5) Journaling

Write your thoughts down. Keep a journal about your day, how your feel, and how you would change things if you could. This is a great exercise to use for your mental health. Writing is a great alternative to talking to someone, when you can't. This will let you be creative and give you a certain amount of peace.

6) Sleep Well

Sleeping a full night doesn't happen for most of us. It's important to get as much sleep as you can. If you can't rest well every night, try to at least three nights a week. Sleep is crucial to our mental and physical health.

7) Time for Family

Remember that girl's night out? Well, you need to have family nights as well. Keep your relationship going strong with your family. Make time to meet up with them and make new memories. They are your support system and will always be there.

8) Eat Right

I know you hear this one a lot too. However, eating right is essential for your self care. This gives you great energy and will have you feeing like you can take on the world.

9) Reward Yourself

Splurging on yourself every once in a while is ok. You work hard and deserve it. Get yourself a little gift here and there. It's totally ok!

10) Pamper Yourself

Getting your nails done, or your hair is perfectly fine too. This is technically a reward but in a pampering way. Hey, you may want to pamper yourself and buy a little gift too!

11) Be Spontaneous

Excitement is one thing we all need. Keep yourself motivated to seek out and try new things. This will have your mind thinking about what adventure you can explore next. Try not to plan too much and be spontaneous - just get out there and go!

12) Meditation

What could be more peaceful and relaxing that doing yoga or meditating? I don't know of anything. They are both good to relive stress and even pain. Yoga will help you to stay in shape and increase your physical health. Meditation will help you to have your mental health right where it needs to be.

13) Read

Reading is a great way to escape from our daily stress and things of this world. Not only is it freedom of the mind, it can also give you knowledge.

14) Pinterest images

Go crazy and start pinning! This is one way to find your next hair cut, nail design, or even makeup ideas.

15) Goals

Goals are important for everyone. This gives you something to work towards. Once you attain your goal, you will also feel very proud and accomplished.

16) Spa Day

Here is another little self treat. You work hard so go get that massage!

17) Chocolate

Chocolate is something most all of us, love. So eating it shouldn't be a problem. Be sure and grab some dark chocolate next time you run to the store. Dark chocolate is a superfood and also an antioxidant. This will improve your cognitive function and also your cholesterol.

18) Gym Time

Hit the gym. Get a good workout and feel that burn. You need to be active for at least 30 minutes a day. This will improve your overall health. Working out releases endorphins and serotonin, so not only does your health benefit you, but you will also feel good from it.

19) Sauna

Steam does a body good! Go let the sauna sweat those toxins out. You are sure to feel better than ever.

20) Plan

Staying organized and planning things out is a sure way to make your life easier. you'll also have a lot less stress to deal with.

21) Keep a Clean Home

Maybe having a spotless home isn't attainable, but just try and keep it manageable. Clean up behind yourself as you go, will make things easier and you won't be cleaning up one big mess at the end of the day.

22) Date Yourself

Dress up nice and go to a sit down restaurant - alone. You don't need someone to go with you. You can have exactly what you want for dinner. There is no need to entertain anyone. Simply have that time to yourself.

Which one of these self-care techniques are you going to try out first? Let us know in the comments! Send this along to someone that you know who needs to take some time for their own self-care.