Footage Of The World’s Smallest Cat Has Been Taken In Sri Lanka

Sep 20, 2019 by apost team

The smallest feline in the world may look like a tiny housecat, but it is actually a wild animal that lives in the jungles of South Asia. It is called the rusty-spotted cat and it was recently caught on camera prowling the jungle floor. Now we can all get a glimpse into its world.

The footage was taken for the BBC program "Big Cats" in Sri Lanka and follows a solo cat living its life and being curious. The show's narrator notes that cat is nearly full-grown but it could fit right in the palm of your hand.

They may be tiny, but their eyes are about six times as powerful when compared to the human eye. This is important when they are exploring the world and watching for predators. These wild cats can be found in Asia, India, and Sri Lanka.

They were also recently discovered in Nepal as well. They generally prefer moist, dry forests, but the rusty-spotted feline can also survive in grasslands and jungle thickets. They seem to enjoy the rocky places and dense vegetation.

Check out the rusty-spotted cat in the video below:

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