Find Out Which Greek God You Are According To Your Zodiac Sign

Mar 14, 2018 by apost team

The myths of the Greek Gods were written to try and understand humanity so it makes sense that they are strongly connected with zodiac signs which also relate to people's characteristics and trends in humanity. The Olympian gods of Greek myth correlate strongly with the zodiac, from Zeus to Ares, each one has specific characteristics and can reveal something about your personality. 

Which one reflects the traits of your sign? Scroll down to find out!


Libra's counterpart is Aphrodite, goddess of love. You embody unconditional love. Like the goddess herself--who married the least desirable god, a tradesman by vocation and personality--you draw the plain and uninspiring to your side. The mirror, seashell and dove are your symbols.



Apollo, god of music and the sun, personifies brilliance and talent. Like him, you represent and appreciate excellence. Encouraging, you require only that others do their very best. The tripod, lyre and laurel symbolize your reverence for the best things in life. 



The bull, Taurus, is connected with Hestia, goddess of the hearth. Like the heat and fire to which she tends, you are a dependable source of comfort amidst uncertainty. Always a loyal friend, you never make a show of yourself. You maintain respect by rising above petty conflicts, seeking only to better humanity.



Gemini is Eros, god of love. Eros received in his DNA Aphrodite's beauty and charisma. You rarely find yourself at the singles table, instead pulling people into your orbit with an uncanny ability to find order amidst chaos. Your emblems are a boy and an arrow.



You correspond with Hermes, the wing-footed divine messenger. Guiding souls to Hades makes you introspective, curious and discerning. Still, you are not above reproach, patronizing the thieves and liars of the world. It is no surprise, then, that winged sandals, a pouch and staff are your personal symbols.



Lucky Leo draws Zeus. This king of the gods--and god of thunder--is associated with the throne, scepter and thunderbolt. As ruler, you get a little full of yourself and seek pleasure in the wrong places. Also remember, it's lonely at the top.



Aries, you are Ares, god of war. As son of the king and queen gods, you rival your father in haughtiness. Strong, capable and assertive, you get what you want. The flip side is that your friends are few, though extremely devoted.



Cancer coincides with Artemis, goddess of the hunt. Artemis is at once brutal and nurturing (a helpful attribute for this goddess of childbirth). You are adventurous but also protective, doing relentless battle for those you love. 



Though Dionysus' animal symbols are predatory cats, this Sagittarius analog--god of wine and art--wants only to share beauty and love with those dear to him. Out of his intoxicating ramblings come keen intellect and inspiration. People like you, and prefer your company to others. 



Poseidon, a top-tier Olympian and god of seas is your guy. An introvert, you prefer your underwater realm than your place on Olympus. Still, you need a companion who understands your moods and shifting temperament. You have a reputation for getting things done and the dolphin, horse and trident are your banners. 



Scorpios are like Demeter, goddess of the harvest. You are gentle and quiet. Only when your loved ones are threatened does an aggressive side show itself. Since Demeter taught humanity to grow food, she is signified by grains, crocuses and poppies. Like her, you keep calm under stress.



Don't be embarrassed by the awesome Hades. Yes, the underworld is pretty dark, which is why he keeps a goddess of beauty by his side. Ordinarily, the poker-faced Hades keeps his own counsel. Why not? Few can rival his self-made beauty and genius. Cerberus and a spear-tipped scepter serve him.


Let us know in the comments what Greek God you are and don't forget to hit SHARE so that your friends and loved ones can find out what god they are too!