Fiercely Independent Women Need These 7 Traits In A Man

Dec 07, 2018 by apost team

Independent women can make some of the best relationships, that is if you know what they want from a relationship. The sad thing is that men are usually intimated by this type of woman. They even go as far as to string them along until they ultimately give up and quit.

An independent woman is already complete and doesn't need anyone to complete her. This is something that others struggle with understanding.

Even though she is complete by herself, she still looks for someone to share her life with. She is looking for that lover, best friend, and companion. This is one of the biggest honors to share with an independent woman. She has her own life but wants you in it too.

1. Respect

Respect her time, emotions, and her opinions. If you don't respect her in the relationship, she won't be sticking around.

She expects to be valued as she values herself. She knows that she has been through hell to get to where she is and that there is always room for improvement.

Don't neglect her needs or opinions. You may have a strong point of view but don't think that your point of view is the only one. She has one too. If you don't hear her out, you'll be left with you and your point of view to share your bed.

2. Time

She is going to need time. It doesn't matter how much you connect or how strong the chemistry is, you won't know quickly if you are a match. She'll need time to be certain that you are worthy of her time and especially her love.

She knows how to handle life alone and sharing life with someone else really scares her. Stay patient and be ready to give her the time she needs.

3. Compassion

She may appear distant and even come off cold. She really isn't that way. She looks this way for a reason. She has built walls to keep her emotions in check and secured. You'll have to be patient and show her just how much you really care.

She doesn't want to hear words. Words are worthless to her. She wants you to show her through actions. Compassion is at the top of her list. Show her you love her. She wants to see and feel all of your real emotions.

4. Freedom

She doesn't only want this but she needs it in order to thrive. She'll need alone time. This doesn't mean that she doesn't love you or that she is bored with you.

She needs this time to work on herself. She'll need to shut down and regroup herself in order to get back in the groove of things.

5. Honesty

She doesn't play games. She doesn't do one night stands or random hookups. If she is interested you, you'll need to be honest and real with her.

She wants to know that she isn't just another level in your game. She isn't a trophy and will not be tolerated being treated that way. She needs to know that you really mean what you say.

6. Love

Although she is so independent, this doesn't mean she doesn't hurt. She hurts every time she's put in second place in your life.

She hurts when you doubt her love. She isn't like the other girlfriends you have had and she wants you to know that. She needs to know that you'll love her unconditionally. She goes all hands in when dealt cards and expects the same in return.

7. Independency From You

She needs someone that will understand her. She wants someone that understands that she doesn't need to spend every second of every day with someone else. She wants them to function on their own just like she can.

She wants someone that will understand that her career is important but she is completely for working on their relationship at the same time. She wants a match when it comes to independence.

She wants someone that knows how to care for themselves and not expect her to be their "mom". She wants an equal partner. She wants someone that can stand by themselves but also know that in their relationship, they are one.

Are you an independent woman? Tell us what you want from a man in the comments below! Be sure to send this on to all your independent girlfriends.