Female Bus Driver Becomes Homeless Man's Guardian Angel
Nov 26, 2018 by apost team
The homeless in the United States includes men, women, and children in every community. Extreme weather, criminal activity, and constant harassment are just a few of their troubles, along with the need to find a decent meal.

A Milwaukee man named Richard was facing these troubles in the midst of a harsh Wisconsin winter. The government had recently condemned the home he was living in and this left him on the streets struggling to survive. Little did he know that a guardian angel by the name of Natalie Barnes was about to make his world a little better.

One evening Richard found himself struggling to find a way to keep warm. He walked the empty city streets trying to find a spot to curl up in or a heated space where he might linger for a few moments. During his journey, he saw a woman he had seen before.

A Milwaukee County Transit bus driver, Natalie was taking a break before heading back out. She and Richard started chatting. In the midst of their conversation, Richard mentions his situation. That's when Natalie's guardian angel wings started fluttering.
She offered him a warm spot on her bus while she continued to drive her route. He could rest in the heated space without worrying about someone harassing him.

At her next break, Natalie bought Richard a hot meal and brought it back for him to eat. She knew he probably hadn't eaten anything substantial for days or weeks.
While Richard was eating, she made a phone call to a friend who worked with Community Advocates. The organization represents those in need throughout Wisconsin. The group found Richard a temporary place to stay and are trying to find a long-term solution for him.
Richard offered to pay Natalie for the hot meal and the bus fare, but she refused his offer. All she wanted was to see him safe and off the streets. She didn't want to see him slipping back into the anonymous homeless population.

Natalie's reaction was down to earth for a guardian angel. She understood that everyone needs help on occasion.
It would have been so easy for her to ignore Richard or to walk away after her shift ended. However, Natalie went the extra distance to ensure that her fellow human had a safe, warm place to go.
What do you think of this guardian angel? Let us know your thoughts and don't forget to pass this video on, your friends and family might enjoy this story as well!