Fearless Four-Year-Old Shows Huge Bull Elephant His Love

Jul 21, 2020 by apost team

Elephants are truly majestic creatures. Wandering the savannas of Africa, these massive mammals travel in herds and grow to be some of the heaviest beasts to walk the land. However, despite their impressive size and intimidating tusks, elephants are truly gentle creatures.

A 4-year-old from Zimbabwe got to the chance this year to experience one elephant's gentleness when he approached a huge bull elephant to give him some love.

The little boy and his mother observed the huge elephant in Africa, as India Today reports. The large beast chewed lazily on some foliage, happy to just be alive in the nice weather. The blue skies were cloudless and stretched endlessly above.

The plains looked a bit dry, but everything was peaceful. A young child stands in awe of the beast, looking up mesmerized. The boy barely comes up to the elephant’s knee! There’s such a size difference that the elephant takes up 90 percent of the screen easily.


The boy watches as the elephant eats away at the grass for a few moments more before turning around to face mom with an expression of, “Is this really happening?” The child turns back around to his newfound friend and watches as he keeps chomping away.

Once the elephant is done with his next bite, it lowers its trunk back into the bushes to forage for more greenery. This was when the fearless 4-year-old takes his chance to give the huge bull elephant a bit of love.

Walking over to the trunk, the child reached out his right hand and began to stroke the elephant. His little fingers traced every nook and crease of the trunk’s underside, amazed by the unique sensations of the elephant’s thick skin.

There was no sign of worry or anxiety from any of the parties involved. The mother of the child, who was able to capture the entire event on camera, commented, “God, he’s amazing.” as the elephant glanced over at her praise.

It’s almost unbelievable to see, but the level of control and relaxation that the elephant displays is nothing short of amazing.

The little boy kept petting the trunk, taking in the sensations that he’d surely never forget. Since elephants are said to have excellent an excellent memory, it’s certain that this huge bull of the savannah will always remember the cute encounter with his little human friend on vacation!

The video has gone viral online, sparking countless comments and thousands of views. Some people have expressed concern for the little boy as one errant swipe of the elephant’s trunk would send the poor kid flying.

Others have rallied around the idea that elephants are some of the most gentle giants there are, and they insist that the little boy would be safe so long as he approached the elephant with a degree of humbleness and gentleness.

Would you or your friends allow your children to hug an elephant in the savannah? Or would you want to hustle over and give such a gentle giant a little love of your own? Let us know what you would do in such a situation and pass this amazing video on to your friends and family members.