Emaciated Boy Makes Incredible Recovery After Family Adopts Him - Mom Says "He Was Bones And Skin" When She First Met Him In Interview

Jan 02, 2020 by apost team

A small boy from Bulgaria made an amazing transformation after his adoption. His story is pulling heartstrings all around the world.

Priscilla Morse, a Tennessee mother, saw this boy, Ryan, in June of 2014. He was malnourished and close to death.

She already had two sons of her own and an adopted daughter with David, her husband. When she saw this boy, she knew he was meant to be her son. She looked at him and just knew. She didn’t know how to describe the feeling.

Priscilla began the adoption process a few months later and traveled to Bulgaria to pick Ryan up in November of 2015.


When she saw him, she noticed he looked like only a skeleton. She was worried he was going to die. When they got him home to Tennessee, they finally understood the full extent of his health issues.

"He was bones and skin, he literally looked like a skeleton," Morse told Inside Edition. "The first thing that went through my head was, 'he's going to die.'"

Doctors saw him and Ryan only weighed 8 pounds at 7-years-old. He had a few medical conditions such as clubfoot, cerebral palsy, scoliosis, and microcephaly, which means his head was smaller than normal.

"I had never in my life seen doctors look at a child and burst into tears," she told the Inside Edition. "They did call social services. They said, 'I'm sorry, he's probably going to die.'"

However, Ryan defied the odds. He started to gain weight through a feeding tube. He began improving every day. He is now 11-years-old and is still working with doctors. They are trying to correct his club feet. Teachers are working to improve his communication skills.

Ryan’s parents recently shared photos of Ryan on Facebook that show him happier and healthier than ever. He is making great strides. The progress of the last four years is seen.

While Ryan still has a long journey ahead of him, he is now a happy boy even with all he has faced. He has hope.

Priscilla stated, “People write off special needs kids because it looks scary, but these kids are worth it. They truly deserve to be loved like any other kid."

Have you ever adopted a child? What was your experience like? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!