Elderly Man Takes Boogie Woogie To The Next Level
May 18, 2020 by apost team
Tommy Johnson, an elderly man also known as 'The Boogeyman,' takes the internet by storm by playing the piano and impressing people with his "Boogie Woogie" performances.

It's not often that we hear of a musician so talented that he seems unstoppable. You have to be something special to earn a nickname such as The Boogeyman, wooing crowds of all ages with your talent. Such artists are rare and to be treasured; some, unfortunately, never become famous. If you haven't heard of The Boogeyman, listen to him tickle the piano in this video.


Tommy Johnson is a pianist who taught himself to play at the age of four; most of us struggle to get through music class in our adult years. He can speed through a piece as if the music were as natural to him as breathing. When you hear the speed at which he plays, you understand why he was nicknamed The Boogeyman. Once, the name referred to a mythical monster that parents used to make unruly children behave; Tommy took the title from him, using it instead to draw crowds when he sits at the piano to jam.

Not only did Tommy teach himself at age four, but he had made his television debut at the age of seven. By the time he was nine years old, he had been featured in Life Magazine. All these years later, he can stop a crowd; he plays as though he breathes in music. Some people excel at their art form and forever baffle the rest of the world.
In the video, we keep hearing people telling him to play faster, and he does. It's the result of a lifetime of practice and passion. This is the magic that happens when a child is allowed to do what he loves; legends are born, and the monsters have to go back into the closet because the music is too good.
What did you think about Tommy's piano performance? Do you play an instrument? If so, let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article along to your friends and family!