Drinking Enough Water Is Essential To Good Health

Mar 04, 2022 by apost team

This article and its title have been updated for correctness, accuracy and clarity on Mar. 4th, 2022.

We all know that eating healthy and exercising are important for our health. One of the best things you can do for your body is also the easiest: While it may seem like a no-brainer, drinking the recommended amount of water is one of the best habits you can form to maintain your health. Getting the daily recommended intake of water helps to prevent dehydration that can make us sluggish and moody. According to the CDC, adults, and children alike should commit to consuming water daily. In fact, plain drinking water can be a great substitute for other sugary and caloric beverages like soda, especially when one is trying to manage body weight.

Hydration is important for your overall health. According to the Harvard School Of Public Health, the amount of water one should drink per day varies with age and weight. However, it is generally recommended that adult men should aim to intake 104 ounces while adult women should aim for 72 ounces. Thankfully, some of this amount is already included in the foods you eat like fruits, vegetables and soups.

Adjusting Your Water Intake To Your Individual Needs

It turns out that it is not just important to drink water but to adjust your water intake based on your individual needs. According to Mayo Clinic, there are several factors that affect one’s daily water intake, including exercise, environment and other health factors.


1. Exercise

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According to WebMD, the amount of water you drink can drastically improve your performance when exercising. Not only does drinking water before a workout fight dehydration, but it also allows the body to be 100% lubricated and ready to exercise. Without the necessary fluids, the body cannot perform its chemical reactions properly. According to WebMD, managing director of Baptist Sports Medicine in Nashville, Trent Nessler said, “If these reactions slow down then tissues heal slower, muscle recovery is slower and the body is not functioning at 100% efficiency.” Staying hydrated allows the muscles and organs in the body to perform their functions to their best ability. Nessler added, “The heart does not have to work as hard to pump blood to the body, and oxygen and nutrients can be transported more efficiently to the muscles you’re working during exercise.”

2. Environment

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The environment in which one lives also plays a crucial part in one’s water intake. According to Mayo Clinic, humid weather causes more frequent sweating, and should therefore be combatted by upping one’s water intake. Another environmental factor that is seldom taken into account is elevation. High altitudes can cause dehydration to occur at a more rapid rate than lower altitudes. Based on where one lives, the water intake should be adjusted accordingly. This goes for vacation destinations as well! 

3. Illness

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It goes without saying that increasing an intake of fluids, especially water, is crucial when fighting an illness or infection. According to Mayo Clinic, illnesses like vomiting, fever, and diarrhea cause the body to lose fluids rapidly. It’s vital to increase water intake when one’s sick to help the body replenish lost fluids.

4. Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

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Another reason one may need to increase water intake is due to pregnancy and breastfeeding. According to Mayo Clinic, both pregnancy and breastfeeding require extra hydration for the mother. Because she is often providing fluids for someone other than herself, staying hydrated is crucial throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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Hydration is important for one’s overall health. When people drink enough water, their body is able to work properly. Staying hydrated is one of the best things that one can do for their well-being. 

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Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!